Brigada Today 2017/12/03
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Compiled/Edited by Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick, Team Expansion
Brigada online has more graphics and links at


In this issue…

Jump to…1) Steep Discounts on the Book, “Stubborn Perseverance”
Jump to…2) Free shipping of INDIVIDUAL copies of “Stubborn Perseverance”
Jump to…3) Collaborative Promotion Of Movement Books
Jump to…4) The Patronage Symposium (Oct ’18, Beirut)
Jump to…5) World Christian Missionary Resources
Jump to…6) Missionary Marriage Issues: Free Download
Jump to…7) New Parenting Book To Help Your Children Embrace Your Faith
Jump to…8) Wow — Take a Look at the Latest from Pew Forum Regarding Migration
Jump to…9) Open Doors Releases their Newest World Watch List
Jump to…10) Curious About How the Missions Landscape is Changing?
Jump to…11) Bible Translation’s Newest Participant: the Church
Jump to…12) What if Everyone had the Bible With No Copyrights?
Jump to…13) We’re Grateful for…
Jump to…14) The Last Bit: What are the Goals for Bible Translation?
Jump to…15) Closing Stuff

1) Steep Discounts on the Book, “Stubborn Perseverance”


Stubborn Perseverance may be the only STORY written to help readers learn and adapt CPM principles to their own context, and it carries more than 50 endorsements. For example, David Garrison wrote, “Stubborn Perseverance reveals the inner workings of a CPM and invites readers to launch a movement.” A field team leader in Southeast Asia (initials K.D.) described it this way: “I’ve read Contagious Disciple-Making, Miraculous Movements and Wind in the House of Islam. And I’ve trained in Any-3 and Camel Method (all great!). Stubborn Perseverance distills them [all] into the manual I want for our team.”

During the past two years of continuing refinement, print copies were only available through expensive “on demand” printing. Now production costs are being reduced through a volume printing, making it possible for the first time to offer steep pre-publication discounts of 50% and more ($7.50-$10 off per book), with free shipping to U.S. street addresses. You can get 1-7 books for $7.50/book (a discount off the cover price of $7.50), 10-24 books for $6/book ($9 off per book), and 30+ books for $5/book ($10 off per book). Why would you order multiple copies? Because you could explain your work, spread the vision of church multiplication, help donors engage in your goals, all while:
– giving copies away as appreciation gifts, or
– selling them to fund your ministry (the Amazon price will remain $15). Read ten chapters of the book for free (to get an idea) here:

Reserve your copies now at…

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2) Free shipping of INDIVIDUAL copies of “Stubborn Perseverance”


By the way, regarding the book above (in item 1), the publisher informed us yesterday that when you buy books in quantity, you often have added work and expense to re-ship individual books to friends at a distance. Even with Media Mail this can nearly double the cost. However, our friend at the publisher, Robby, has found a way to ship ANY number of books to U.S. street addresses as cheaply as by the case (just a bit more slowly). Thus this offer of Stubborn Perseverance includes shipping individual books to your contacts for free! (No information can be included with the books with this shipping method, so you’ll still have to let your friends know to expect their book.) Also, note that this applies to U.S. street addresses only. So sorry — no Post office boxes. Cases (30 or so) should arrive before Christmas. Smaller quantities (including individual copies) should arrive by mid January. Reserve your copies now at…

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3) Collaborative Promotion Of Movement Books


Before we leave the subject of “movement” books, God is seemingly stirring His Church to recognize movements as the best way to reach every people, especially the unreached. And a rapidly growing number supporters and practitioners are eager to better understand what God is doing through movements. However many movement books lack adequate promotion and are unknown to this growing audience. So, again, our friend, Robby, is working toward collaborative promotion. If the current offer of Stubborn Perseverance generates a good response, he hopes to do something similar with other movement books in the near future. You can help by:
*** sharing the Stubborn Perseverance offer with others, and
*** letting Robby know which other movement books you would most like to share with others.

Email to suggest movement books you think others should know about, or that you’d like to buy in quantity. Thanks!

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4) The Patronage Symposium (Oct ’18, Beirut)


Patron-client relationships are foundational in most cultures, but largely neglected in Western missiology. The Patronage Symposium will gather leading thinkers and practitioners to develop a biblical and practical missiology on this pivotal topic. Join them October 3-5, 2018 at ABTS in Beirut, Lebanon. For more information and registration, visit:

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5) World Christian Missionary Resources


World Christian Missionary Resources is a website that has information about many different kinds of Christian resources, including missions, evangelism, discipleship, audio, dvds, outreach ideas, childrens outreach, and more. Check it out at…

If you forget the website address in the future, just remember…

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6) Missionary Marriage Issues: Free Download


Marriage is complicated enough! Then when you add a cross-cultural living situation and a cross-cultural ministry, things begin to get really confusing. The nineteen chapters in “Missionary Marriage Issues” will help you navigate your way through the confusion. The book is available to download free of charge as .doc, .pdf, or .zip files for your computer and as .mobi or .epub files for your Kindle or Nook. You can’t beat the price. Find it for free at…

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7) New Parenting Book To Help Your Children Embrace Your Faith


Effective, results-proven advice on raising children overseas is now in book form. It’s entitled, “Pass-it-on Parenting, 6 Powerful Principles to Help Your Child to Embrace Your Faith.” This would make a great Christmas present. It’s available in paperback and kindle at:

Please click on the word “comment” below this text to review the book after you’ve read it.

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8) Wow — Take a Look at the Latest from Pew Forum Regarding Migration


I was sobered when I looked at migration to Europe, as reported by the Pew Forum, here…

I love it that the Pew Forum is just accurately reporting true facts here, without fear tactics, without plugging in lots of theories. But wow — this changes so much. Please share your response/reaction by logging on to the web version of this item and clicking “Comment.”

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9) Open Doors Releases their Newest World Watch List


>You probably have seen it before. Which countries are the most notorious for persecuting Christians — and in what ranking? Now you know:

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10) Curious About How the Missions Landscape is Changing?


Now you can see it all in front of your very eyes in this new missiographic by MissioNexus with stats from their new North American Mission Handbook:

This page is full of surprises for me. For example, I had no idea that 72% of all single workers are female. I had no idea that business as missions had risen so much. And I had on appreciation for the stability of the missionary enterprise. (I thought the number of missionaries being sent had dropped by more than half. Too many assumptions.) Thanks to all the people who made this graphic possible. See other graphics at…

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11) Bible Translation’s Newest Participant: the Church


What would it look like if the church became a participant in the Bible translation process? Maybe a lot like…

This is church-based Bible translation — and it’s changing the face of translation as we know it. These approaches report that they can radically reduce the amount of time involved (length of each translation) while maintaining integrity for the work and the Word. What’s YOUR take on these claims? (Please click “Comment” following the web version of this item to give your own opinion.)

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12) What if Everyone had the Bible With No Copyrights?


That’s what the folks are dreaming about at…

Imagine a world in which new translations weren’t dominated by turf, politics, nor investments. Maybe they would look like this?

Thanks to those stepping out to set this pace for us.

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13) We’re Grateful for…


… the $100 gift from Mission Network. By their sacrificial giving to Christ through Brigada, they are empowering workers for the nations with resources, motivation, trends and more. Thank you Mission Network!
… the $100 gift from the CEO of a global NGO. Today I pray God will continue to bless his leadership, which is making it possible for change agents to carry the Good News to places missionaries would never be allowed.
…the $200 gift from Mission Data International, St. Louis, MO. They wrote, “Thanks for all you do through Brigada!” But here, we rather say, Thank YOU for all YOU do to touch the nations. Learn more about how Mission Data is helping believers engage in the Great Commission through the Internet at…
…the $35 from an author and friend who just wanted to express her appreciation for Brigada.
…$50 from an anonymous global worker. Amazing. Thank you!
…$50 from a seminary professor. God bless you!
…$50 from a resource specialist who always shares his work for free (then blesses Brigada in this way — Thank you so much!)
…$25 from a Brigada booster. Thank you!
…$50 from ANOTHER encourager!
…$40 from our friends at The Culture Test. God bless you!
… and thanks this week for the amazing $1000 gift by a missions-focused church in Georgia. Dave, the Outreach Pastor wrote, “Brigada has been a great resource to me for many years now. You may not be in a position to give a large gift but if everyone would stop, right now, and give something, maybe Brigada ends up breaking even this year! Praise Jesus!” Whoa. No words. For once, … we’re speechless. (Thank you Lord indeed.)

The above giving is AMAZING. It takes our annual total to $940.33 and leaves us just $8724.67 short of our annual budget. Are you in a position to help us break even? Any amount would help. Just click “Donate” at, or mail a check payable to Team Expansion (Brigada), 13711 Willow Reed Drive, Louisville, KY 40299. Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so, for USA citizens, your gift to Christ by writing a check to Team Expansion is tax-deductible. Thank you, in advance, for your partnership!

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14) The Last Bit: What are the Goals for Bible Translation?


We were listening to a talk on this recently. Get this: First, By 2033, 95% of all people in the world should have a full Bible, and just as significantly, 99.9% should have the entire New Testament. The exciting part is — 100% should have at least 25 chapters. Imagine — every tribe, every nation, with the Word of God. It’s going to happen. Want to be a part of it? It’s really cool. First, scan this article in Christianity Today to see what a huge accomplishment this is…

Then check out the site itself at…

For Bible translation, this has got to be one of the most exciting times in the history of the work.
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15) Subscription Information


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