I have the opportunity several times a year to coordinate work teams at Lifeline’s mission at Navajo Trails near Winslow, Arizona. I enjoy sharing in the ministries, work projects and activities with the teams.
One of my favorite times of each trip is taking the team one evening at sunset to the rim of the Little Painted Desert for devotions. The view is breathtaking. The canyon floor seems to stretch out forever, as far as the eye can see toward the San Francisco mountain range near Flagstaff.
The cliffs and peaks seem to literally change color as the sun sinks toward the horizon. As the shadows deepen the colors grow more vivid. The rays of the sun burst forth from the horizon as the final moments of daylight close out in a blaze of glory. I never tire of seeing and experiencing the majesty of God’s creation on display in that place.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” Psalm 19:1-3
The glory of the creator is revealed in His creation. We don’t worship the creation, but we give praise for the evidence of the work of the Creator that we see in it. It declares to all that there is a God who in his wisdom, mercy and love created a world in which the crowning achievement of His creation, mankind made in His image, may live, work and grow in relationship with Him.
Sadly, because of sin, all of God’s creation, mankind and the world itself, are now impacted in a deadly way. The penalty for sin is death. But the Creator in all of His glory has provided hope through His son, Jesus Christ.
“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.” Hebrews 1:3
The ultimate glory of the creator is seen in the work that Jesus has done and continues to do for and in us. It is through Jesus that we can be in a relationship with God. Jesus came to bridge the gap for us, so that we can bask in the glory, love, grace and mercy of God.
A young girl and her grandfather stood hand in hand looking up the stars that twinkled brightly against the black canvas of the night sky. “Grandpa, she said, “the stars are so beautiful.” Her grandfather responded, “They are the back of the quilt of heaven.” The little girl stood silent for a few moments and then said, “If the back is so beautiful, how much more beautiful is the other side?”
Someday Christ followers will see the beauty and glory of the other side. The new heaven and the new earth will fully and completely reveal the glory of God.
If there is a Little Painted Desert in that new heaven and new earth, the colors will be more vivid than we can ever imagine. The beauty will be like nothing we have ever seen here. And in the middle of it will be Jesus – in person! The glory of the Creator will be with us, enjoying the view with us that will last for eternity.
by Keith Dimbath, Lifeline’s Work Team Director