Merry Christmas

I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” (Lk 2:10)

As we quickly approach the end of another year, we want to thank you for your partnership with us in ministry in Mozambique. Through your prayer and financial support, lives have been changed, God’s Word has been taught, the local church has been built up, national leaders have been prepared for ministry, and through all of this … Jesus has been glorified!

The Maputo Biblical and Theological Seminary concluded its fourth year which meant our first graduation of 18 students.

One of the churches that we have worked with for many years also concluded a four year leadership training course and celebrated with a graduation program at their church.

            Three of our students, Jonasse, Simão, and Celso graduated with honors (GPA of 3.5-3.7) and received a Bible Commentary to use as they plan to continue as preachers. The student with the highest GPA is Jonasse (receiving diploma from Don in photo). He began his studies with one year with GNFA when we were operating a Bible school here on the compound from 1998-2008. He lives in the northern part of Mozambique but he and his family spent the last four years here in Maputo so that he could attend the seminary. His wife returned north a few months ago to get their home in order and start a garden. Jonasse was so anxious to return home to his family that as soon as the graduation program was over, he turned in his cap and gown and ran to catch the next bus headed north. He didn’t even stay around for the reception. He has already been asked to share the things he has learned with the churches in the north through ongoing seminars.

We had eleven men and seven women graduate. Two were husband and wife. The oldest was 67 and the youngest was 24. The average age was 32. They came from 13 different churches. All of the students were already involved in ministry and most of the men are currently pastors.

Don will be working closely with Steve Davis from the UK as Steve makes the transition as director of the seminary. Although Don is stepping down as the director, he will remain very active in the seminary doing what he truly loves – teaching God’s Word. He will be taking advantage of the end of the school year break to develop class syllabi and lesson objectives for the classes he will be teaching when the seminary resumes again in February. Don will also be helping some of the other professors who have not had a lot of experience in the area of writing learning objectives.

Don will also continue working on his online MA degree through Johnson University. He is about half way the Intercultural Studies course presently but still has about another 1-1/2 years until completion.

Aleta continues to teach her class of fourth graders at Christian Academy in Mozambique. This year she has seven students but only one missionary child. She has two children who do not go to church at all as well as child from a Muslim family. The opportunity for sharing her faith in Jesus Christ is available each day as the first hour every morning is Bible class. She is currently enjoying her month long Christmas break.

The political situation here in Mozambique seems to have settled down lately. We have not heard any more reports of the opposition party attacking vehicles along the main north to south highway. The recent surge of kidnappings has also seemed to stop. However, one of our mission families in the far north of Mozambique was robbed a few weeks ago at gunpoint. Thieves broke into their home in the middle of the night and stole money, computers, and phones but thankfully no one was hurt.


Please continue to pray for God’s protection for us and the other missionaries. Please pray for our health. But pray mostly that the message of God’s love through His Son Jesus will be heard, received and multiplied through our ministries. Thank you again for partnering with us. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from our hut to yours!