Sunshine, rain, heat and cold can all grab our attention and cause us to wax eloquent about days past and current conditions.

So, would you rather it be hot or cold outside today?  Truthfully, our wishes don’t make a lot of difference as we don’t have a thermostat to control the temperature.  Wishing for a high of 72 in Phoenix in July – probably a long shot for sure.

Your estate planning is similar in that “hoping it will all work out” is not likely to make it so.  The default of having no plan is often a storm of confusion, family conflict, and dark days.

   Fortunately – unlike the weather – you can do something about your estate planning that will improve the forecast and likelihood of success.  We can help by sending you a Guide to Planning Your Estate and our Confidential Estate Inventory booklets – no cost and no obligation.  Just respond to this email and we’ll send them to you ASAP.

And as always, please contact me if I can answer questions about your estate planning, planned giving, and generosity needs.  You can reach me via e-mail or phone at or 417.782.0060.

                                           Your friend,


P.S.  Have you downloaded the GNPI app?  Check it out for more resources!

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