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World Wide
Hispanic Outreach

October-November 2013
Update from the Director

It took seven years for our medical benevolent ministry to operate to it’s full potential and we want to invite you to celebrate with us at our newest success due to the glory of God. We acquired three times the land originally planned for the future hospital at only one and a half times the original price. The additional land totals 28 acres and will allow for the possibility to also build a new church for la Biznaga. Also during October many other events happened furthering God’s work in many different ways. Meetings with the Fellowship of the Churches of Arteaga, the Tourist Organization of the municipality of Arteaga, and the opening of a Christian bookstore (who offered to distribute any books we publish). On November 1st I invited a Christian musical group to sing in the streets…. (click here)

Comments on Kids

The wonderful ladies of Kingsway once again made and sent more than 100 baby blankets and several dresses. Heath Church of Christ sent reading glasses inside a handmade case and other beautiful crafts made by a group golden age Christian ladies. I ask for continued blessing of the hands and homes of the loving ladies of Kingsway and Heath Church of Christ because of their dedication to bless people…… (click here)

Doctors’ Dialogue

We are so blessed that our Lord has once again answered a prayer. In the last newsletter we shared Pricila’s story, a little girl from the village of San Antonio who needs medical treatments that her family can’t afford. Just a week after the newsletter was sent we received news from our treasurer that a donation had been made for $1800 for her continuing medical treatment. We praise our God and are so grateful for the person that gave this donation. Pricila will now be able to receive 4 years of treatment because of this generous donation. We will continue to keep you updated…..(click here)

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