World Wide
Hispanic Outreach
October/November 2015
Update from the Director

We are so happy all the year around that God keeps our ministry in His hands and always supplies our needs and brings fruits to HIS kingdom around the world. Glory to His name! We are full of joy because Tony Moreno, our scholarship recipient to the Christian Mexican University, is now the señor Pastor of the new Christian Church stared inside the University! We had the privilege to celebrate with God the wedding….(click here)

Comments on Kids

We received the wonderful news that Arely and Gloria are expecting their first child, a son! We are so very happy for them! We traveled 4 hours to the border of Piedras Negras to take 7 people to be trained for the Christmas program of the sponsored kids. One of the 7 people….. (click here)

Download from the Educator

Another semester and lots of papers to read, it’s a blessing to see the students grow, giving us hope for the future years. As we went to ICOM this year we got the opportunity to speak to Marcelo and Miguel, some of our previous students from Chile who are here in the US. They shared their vision about continuing their ministry and starting a…… (click here)

Doctors’ Dialogue

We are grateful for the love and joy that we can share with each of you when you read our newsletter. During the month of October a medical mission team from Kingsway Christian Church was with us for a week. We had first hoped to see around 750 patients when this trip was planned as we had 548 patients last year. By the summer, we thought 500 would be good. God again taught us a great lesson in trust, as we saw…..(click here)

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