World Wide
Hispanic Outreach
May 2014
Update from the Director

In May we praise God for our first harvest of the 420+ fruit trees we planted in the camp. This month we didn’t just have material fruits but were blessed by God to witness spiritual fruits also. When we took part in the preaching at Christian University of Mexico I was also able to….(click here)

Comments on Kids

Dear participants in the Sharing Hope program, today I’d like to share great news in how your sacrificial gifts in Christ’s name are impacting many lives. The Sharing Hope outreach is now well known throughout the state. The Rotario Club annually awards a member…… (click here)

Download from the Educator

We must never forget our commission left by Jesus to the church, to GO and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This is our desire as we continue to equip the Hispanic culture to provide the tools to be the church that God intended us to be and go and share the Love, Mercy and Hope…… (click here)

Doctors’ Dialogue

During the month of May we had the opportunity to tend to a total of 189 patients in our different medical consult locations. We also received two new babies born to our prenatal care patients and welcomed 3 new moms to our prenatal care program! During this month we were greatly surprised with our local township…..(click here)

Copyright © 2014 Worldwide Hispanic Outreach, Inc, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

Worldwide Hispanic Outreach, Inc

7981 E County Road 100 N

Avon, IN 46123-7915