World Wide
Hispanic Outreach
Year in Review 2014
Update from the Director

Each day of 2014 we know we aren’t walking alone because God, churches, and individual Christians are walking with us. Your faithful prayers for our ministry, and loving care and support helped us to enjoy serving each day to our Lord Jesus Christ. We don’t have words to sufficiently say thank you! 2014 gave us the opportunity to witness about Christ to people of and in many countries: Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Hungary, Poland, France, Italy, Spain, Dominica, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, and we enjoyed seeing several come to Christ. God gave us the opportunity to preach in 3 different revivals in Mexico bringing hundreds to renewed service to Christ and 15 to be immersed in Christ. 2014 was the first year for an annual regional teen….(click here)

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Our mailing address is:

Worldwide Hispanic Outreach, Inc

7981 E County Road 100 N

Avon, IN 46123-7915