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What does Christian Unity look like to you?

Dear Friend:


     Persecution of Christians.
     We read about it in the Bible. What strikes me there is that Christians under persecution pray not 

for deliverance but for boldness to proclaim the good news (see Acts 4:23-31).

     But persecution of Christians is not just a thing from the distant past. You can read about it in the daily paper, online, and in books (see

Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians). You can even hear stories of persecution firsthand.

     World Convention works daily to connect our churches worldwide, connecting the persecuted church with their brothers and sisters worldwide.
And in January 12-15, 2017 you have the opportunity to encourage persecuted Christians 

face-to-face at our Global Gathering in New Delhi, India. There you will witness personal testimony of brothers and sisters who were burned out of their homes, beaten, and whose loved ones were even killed for their faith. And you will hear their prayers, not for deliverance, but for courage. You can read some of those stories now in the book, Christian Extremism, by Ajai Lall, our President.

     Even if you cannot come to the New Delhi Gathering, you can go to God in prayer on behalf of the persecuted. You can pray each day for Christian Unity so that the world may believe.
     And you can support the efforts of World Convention to connect our churches so we can be bold to proclaim the good news together. This ministry is dependent on gifts, small and large, from supporters like you. So please send your gift to us at P.O. Box 50998, Nashville, TN 37205-0998 or use the donate button below or on our website, 

WorldConvention.org, to further this work of Christian Unity and solidarity with the persecuted church.

In Christ,
Gary Holloway

Common Purpose
within the
* Christian *
* Churches of Christ *
* Disciples of Christ *
global family
Global web sites for our movement
Eleven: Eleven – Get Connected
Daily, hourly global prayer network
World Convention Sunday
To focus on our global family 
-first Sunday in August-
World Communion Sunday 
One Lord, One Faith, One Church
-first Sunday in October-
 Global Gathering
January 12-15, 2017
New Delhi, India
Monthly email news
World Convention Citations
Recognizing servant leadership around the world
National Profiles
Developing descriptions of our witness in over 195 countries and territories
Building relationship
with the wider church

P.O. Box 50998 
Nashville, TN  37205-0998
Connecting Everywhere…Every Day
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