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Connecting Everywhere… Every Day

January, 2017 Issue 158

    – Gary Holloway


The Gathering began Thursday evening, January 12, with a plenary session held in a beautifully appointed tent, lit by chandeliers, with a large banner behind the stage with the theme, “God Breaks Down Walls to Build Bridges.” The parade of flags from the 29 countries and 21 Indian states of those present began the Gathering, accompanied by the song, “He Reigns.” Hosts Indu and Ajai Lall welcomed the attendees, followed by a traditional welcome dance by students from the Nursing School of Central India Christian Mission.

Read more here…Travelin’ Miles: Foretaste of Heaven 

Marsha Relyea Miles


                               When the Saints Assemble 

…LeRoy Lawson


Connecting in India
We greeted in smiles and hugs. Global Women were Connecting again, this time in Damoh, India! Whether we arrived alone seeking adventure or with a group of our closest friends exploring the wonders of a Global Gathering, we quickly recognized our sisterhood in Christ and the love God expresses through a multitude of faces.
There were two sessions especially designed for women. On Friday, Sheela Lall challenged those present to unite to break walls of darkness, hurt, and fear. Abhineeta Matney presented the Aatma Vikas ministry as the service project of Global Women Connecting.  Hearing God’s word read in a variety of languages, witnessing the song and dance of different cultures, and sharing personal stories of Christ’s intervention blessed our worship. The next afternoon of Global Women Connecting brought Lydia Soko from Zimbabwe who spoke on “Loving the Unlovable” and Esline Toamavute from Vanuatu who shared her research on “Reaching the Unreached.” A time of jewelry making and henna tattoos followed Saturday’s presentations where everyone could experience the trade skills learned by students of Aatma Vikas.
With grateful thanks to God, we acknowledge Global Women Connecting President, Usha Rees and her leadership team in bringing together this celebration of women in the life of the church. We welcome Lydia Soko as incoming president through our next Gathering in Swaziland where we will once again have the opportunity to share in the spirit of love and the work of Christian Unity.
-Julia Keith, GWC Liaison

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