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Connecting Everywhere… Every Day

June, 2017 Issue 161

-Gary Holloway
June 4-9, World Convention President Paul Chimhungwe made a visit to Nashville. While here, he visited Stone-Campbell sites in Nashville as well as making a quick trip to Cane Ridge. James Trader, the curator at Cane Ridge, was a gracious and informative host during our visit. (for more on Cane Ridge, see

Paul was also in Nashville to attend the annual Christian Scholars Conference at Lipscomb University (https://www.lipscomb.edu/csc). He presented a paper,
“Early 20th  

Century Unity among Stone-Campbell Movement Congregations in Southern Africa: Emphasizing the Gospel over

Ecclesiastical Traditions.” This paper grew out of Paul’s work as a 
lecturer at African Christian College in Swaziland.

But Paul’s visit also allowed us to continue planning for our next Global Gathering to be held in Manzini, Swaziland, April 18-21, 2019. In addition to visiting the United States, Paul has traveled to several countries in southern Africa to consult with church leaders regarding the Gathering. I will be in Manzini next week to continue that planning.
So, mark your calendars and watch for more forthcoming information on the Manzini Gathering, our first in Africa!



Two great resources from World Convention are now available.

Hot off the press is A Global Fellowship: A Concise History of the World Convention. This 145-page book with forty photographs tells the amazing story of World Convention from its beginning in 1930 until today.
Also, now available are all the presentations from our Global Gathering in Damoh. These videos will be sent to you on a thumb drive.

Both of these resources can be yours for a donation of $40 or more!


Send your gift through the “Donate Now” link above, through  WorldConvention.org, or a check to PO Box 50998, Nashville, TN 37205. 
 Email Julia Keith @ Julia@WorldConvention.org with questions.


Make the World Convention ministry of Christian Unity stronger… 
Follow any link to find out how.

Global Women Connecting Liaison Joins Women of Strength in Baja California, Mexico
Women’s empowerment is manifested in many ways. Sometimes it’s the simple hug of a friend or the advocacy of a co-worker. A shared desire to create positive impact with a community of international women jump-started my conversation with Amor Ministries’ Gayla Congdon and Amy Mathis at the Christian Church/Churches of Christ International Conference On Missions (TheICOM.org) a few years ago. God’s timing and an adequate number of travel points made it possible for my daughter, Johanna Keith and I to save the necessary funds to join a group of about 50 women of faith to build a home between Tecate and Tijuana, Mexico.
After arriving in San Diego, California, Johanna and I were met by ‘Atomic Amy’, a powerhouse of smiles and details about the 7-day adventure. We connected with other benevolent builders and were on our way across the Mexico – United States border. The border fence was clearly in view as we made our way along the highway, a reminder of division and conflict. I silently hoped our presence would be an act of unity.
Our nightly gatherings led by Gayla and daughter-in-law, April Congdon in the yellow circus tent explained the order for building structures and relationships. Jesus, The Firm Foundation and The Frame (our bodies) on the first day. A New Door & Windows (opening eyes and hearts) and The Roof (God’s shelter in the storms of life) on day two. And The Exterior (God’s image in us for others can see) on day three. We worked together, ate together, relaxed together, worshipped together. Three full days and two half days of living in community with God’s provision and leadership. What a blessing!

Close to a third of us extended our time together first with a cooking school in La Cocina preparing authentic Mexican dishes. Later we toured Valle de Guadelupe. Surrounded by rugged mountains hosting lovely restaurants and wineries, this part of Mexico displayed stark contrasts to the impoverished areas we witnessed surrounding Amor’s Hacienda Camp. Looking around a local market place, I found myself thinking about my own privilege and limited sight. May God show me ways to serve when I’m close to home, too.
And yes, there were photos taken by this new group of friends to capture memories and serve as stepping stones toward the ways God will use our experience. You can find them here.
– Julia Keith
New GWC Service Project 

Aatma Vikas trains women in sewing, stitching and jewelry making to prepare them for employment and free the future for themselves and their families. Global Women Connecting supports Aatma Vikas until Global Gathering-20 in Swaziland. Hear the story of how lives are being changed here.

The Skipping Stone partners with Aatma Vikas by providing lifestyle products. Profits go directly toward employing women still working in bondage. 
Consider “making a ripple” through a gift to Aatma Vikas or a purchase from The Skipping Stone by clicking on their link.
Global Women Connecting join together in prayer. 

You are encouraged to pray a monthly scripture, then note the words or images that come to mind each day. (A click on the image to the right will give you a downloadable pdf to print and use to record your thoughts.)

You might want to use the tradition of lectio divina and read the scripture aloud three times, then take note of the word or phrase that seems to stand out to you. Stop and stay with the word or phrase and follow where your heart goes.

Blessings to you.


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World Convention, PO Box 50998, Nashville, TN 37205