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Connecting Everywhere… Every Day

January, 2018 Issue 167

We have exciting news! For 2018, a donor will match every dollar given by individuals and churches to World Convention.
If you have given to this ministry in the past, increasing your gift will bring double the benefit.
If you have not yet given, let me encourage you to prayerfully consider doing so in 2018. No gift is too small, but may I suggest a way to begin.
I know that there are many ministries that you generously support. You receive this monthly email newsletter because of your interest in Christian unity. World Convention is a unique ministry since our sole purpose is to promote visible Christian unity. On the night in which he was betrayed, Jesus prayed that all who believe in him may be one. Since you share the commitment of Jesus to unity, you also share in the purpose of World Convention.My question to you: 
What are you willing to do for Christian unity?
Would you be willing to give one minute and one dollar a day?
One Minute
The first thing we are called to do for Christian unity is what Jesus himself did. We pray for it. We ask that God might work to make all who believe in Jesus one. For this year, would you commit to pray one minute per day for Christian unity? For several years, World Convention has promoted Eleven Eleven, that daily at 11:11 AM we pray for Christian unity. If that time does not work for you, would you set another time during the day to pray one full minute for the unity of the church? In that prayer each day, please ask God’s blessing on the ministry of World Convention.
One Dollar
If we pray for Christian unity, we must be willing to work for it and to support others who are engaged in that work. Many of you regularly support the work of World Convention. Others of you would like to but are experiencing financial difficulties. For 2018, would you commit $1 a day to World Convention?
How much is $1 a day?
  • Less than a soft drink from a vending machine per day.
  • Less than buying two Starbuck’s drinks per week.
  • Less than a meal out at a restaurant for two per month.
Little actions add up and mean a lot. A minute a day and a dollar a day can go far in showing our commitment to the unity of God’s people. So please click on your response to pledge now.

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Make Christian Unity stronger… 
Visit one of these agencies to contribute to on-going relief
Multiply your efforts alongside World Convention – 


GWC Service Project

Would you or your group be interested in making a difference in peoples lives? Host an event and make an impact on those living in the hardest conditions. The Skipping Stone will ship you their products and you plan a fun gathering with a purpose. A simple model that brings sustainable financial freedom to those in need. The Skipping Stone understands it does take effort to make a difference and would like to offer a gift to our host. Join us and Make a Ripple! 
The Skipping Stone partners with Aatma Vikas by providing lifestyle products. Profits go directly toward employing women still working in bondage. Global Women Connecting supports Aatma Vikas until Global Gathering-20 in Swaziland, April 18-21, 2019.
No time to host? Consider “making a ripple” with a gift to Aatma Vikas through our Donate Now link or a purchase direct from The Skipping Stone.






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World Convention, PO Box 50998, Nashville, TN 37205