What a season for hurricanes!  While we in Barbados have only gotten rain and wind, other countries near us have been devastated.  In particular, the country of Dominica had 97% of its homes damaged.  This country is especially dear to our hearts as three of our current students come from there.  All of their family homes lost their roofs.
     Every year we have dear friends write and ask us about bringing teams to WISE.  If anyone is interested in putting together a team to help these students’ families rebuild their roofs, please let us know.  We are looking for 1-2 teams to help them.  Coming to WISE for two years is hard enough, but to worry about your family living in a shelter and not being able to help them rebuild is scary for these students.  So if you are interested in helping, please let us know.  We want to help our brothers in Christ!
     All of this makes us think of Matthew 8 when a terrible storm happened and all the disciples were terrified.  Yet, through the storm, Jesus peacefully slept.  He had complete trust in His Father’s protection and His knowledge that God had power over the winds and the waves.  Our prayer is for ourselves, our students and all people impacted by these storms to know our Father’s care, too, in the midst of the storms. 

Staff and Students

     Most of the staff here at WISE had tears of joy as the new students arrived!  The volleyball games, laughter in the cafeteria, singing in the chapel and students studying all over the campus are long-awaited sights and answered prayers!  We had nine different countries in the Caribbean apply to come to WISE this semester!  It thrills us that the Lord is not just growing the school, but that more islands are being reached and more leaders are being trained to share God’s Good News
     The Barbados government still insists that students have all their paperwork in three months prior to starting a semester, so not all were able to start this September.  In fact, we still have two students due to arrive any day.  Please be in prayer for them as they are having trouble getting flights.  One student is from a country where the airport was destroyed in the recent hurricane, and no one knows when it will be restored to service.
New students at WISE, but still missing a few with getting last minute visas granted!
Staff- Back Row of Male Staff from left to Right- Bro Pearson (Professor), Bro Dave (Visiting Adjunct), Bro Andrew (part-time teacher), Bro Arlington (Professor), Bro Brice (Director, Professor), Missing- Bro Matt (Professor).  Female Staff- Sis Anne (Office Coordinator), Sis Angh (Volunteer Immigration Ambassador & Office Personnel), Sis Rosita (Kitchen Supervisor), Missing- Sis Chelsea (Part time- counselor)
We have been so thankful to have Bro. Dave and Sis. Kathy Bycroft teaching, leading community seminars, cooking, setting up the garden and filling in for teachers on furlough.
We were also blessed to have Brice’s dad, David Wurdeman, come down and help chauffeur, when needed, and to have Bro. Jeff back at the beginning of the summer to lend his expertise in teaching.

Welcome, Brother Andrew! 

     We are pleased to have Bro. Andrew Best join the WISE team.  Due to his preaching duties and full-time job, at this point he is only able to teach one evening class at WISE; however, we are thrilled to have him.  He grew up in Barbados and attended Ozark Christian College before coming back to preach on his home island.  We are so happy our students have the opportunity to learn from Bro. Andrew.

Student Spotlight 

     This young lady always has a huge grin.  She loves outside work like gardening, painting and cutting the grass.  She always wears a headband.  And she loves making art work and signs to welcome visitors to WISE.  This is our sweet female student, Sis. Rutha.
     Sis. Rutha’s cousin and a friend both attended WISE and encouraged her to come and have her entire life changed here.  It was hard for her to leave her family, church and job to start a new life.  But she loves learning at WISE.  She loves the way the teachers put their whole hearts into their teaching.  And she loves all the food! 
     After graduation, Sis. Rutha plans to go back to her home country to evangelize and work in ministry.  She is growing in God’s Word and in her relationship with others.  We hope you can someday meet this special lady.

Greeley Lechelle Wurdeman joined the WISE family


Prayers & Updates

  1. Praise!  WISE St. Vincent property sale – Our second property sale is closing in St. Vincent.
  2. Prayers for the Termeer family to be able to move to Barbados quickly.  Their work permits have been put on hold; please pray those permits will be granted soon. 
  3. Pray for the other WISE teachers who have an added teaching load until Matt Termeer arrives.
  4. Pray for all the people affected by the recent hurricanes.
  5. Pray for the students who are still trying to find flights into Barbados so they can join us this semester.
  6. Praise!  For the laughter and fellowship of the students on campus and prayers for their spiritual growth and classroom studies.
  7. Praise!  For Brice and Amanda on their newest baby girl – Greeley Lechelle.  (Insert picture of Greeley.)
  8. Pray for the continuation of the Barbados Accreditation Council as we seek to advance programs.
  9. Pray for additional funds to fully purchase the WISE campus in Barbados this coming February.
  10. Praise!  For Bros. Jeff and Sis. Janie returning to WISE in February.  Bro. Jeff will help with developing more programs at WISE, including a bachelor’s program.  Sis. Janie will help in the music ministry.  Pray for their transition.
  11. Pray for Sis. Angh, our office volunteer, as her mother passed away this week.

WISE Wish List

  1. Windows for cafeteria – $250 each (3 Needed)
  2. Copier for office – $1,500
  3. Speakers for sound system – $800
  4. Flash drives for students’ use
WISE Contact Info:
PO Box 8098
Columbia, MO 65205
(573) 321-7906