Growing In the Community

     We have been working on growing some kids each week through a community near us by putting on a Bible lesson, craft, and worship each week with these kids. We also hosted the local youth groups at a BBQ at the Campus to talk about Bible College.  

Growing the Churches

    While Ozark Christian College was here, we partnered with them and Ruby Christian Church who helped mix concrete to build on their new church building.  What a blessing to have the College team here, as grew and learned from each other. Professors Chris Dewelt and Wade Landers taught a missions night for the local churches to grow and see that missions can and needs to happening right here.


Growing the Campus

    We still covet your prayers as we are still dealing with the government to open up the school for other students from surrounding countries.  Each day they tell us we are a step closer 🙂  We are praying this week to finish up their additional paperwork and students can start applying for the September term.
    We saw a neat partnership as Tyro Christian Church sent a large donation to help us put on a new chapel roof as their were leaks and needed to be fixed.  Then, Discover Christian Church and Woodland Heights Christian Church partnered together in being the hands and feet of the project and put the new roof on for us! What a blessing to have our churches help and encourage us in so many ways to see the school reach across the Caribbean!



If you are interested in giving a tax deductible gift, here are some things WISE would love to get:
  • Microwave                                                                                                           $300
  • Refrigerator                                                                                                         $1,500
  • 20 LED Light Fixtures (to help cut electrical costs) and Bulbs
  • 4 Shower heads
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 8098
Columbia, MO 65205