A Day to Remember

On July 21st, we put out word on social media for a day of fasting and prayer to take place for WISE to receive the certification to have international students.  We had received word in March, but as the months passed the certificate had not been processed.  After weekly calls and e-mails, we heard nothing back.  The morning of the 21st,  we got an e-mail from the Accreditation Council that they were still processing the paperwork.  Throughout the day we heard from thousands fasting and praying all over the world.  And by closing time here we received an e-mail we could come pick up the certificate!  We can now fully open and receive students from all over the Caribbean!  Praise God for working this out and for so many of you for praying diligently about this.

This semester we will still continue with our local classes, but because of the wait time on the certification, student visas can take up to 3 months.  So our international students will not be able to start until January 9th.  This semester we ask for your prayers as we promote throughout the Caribbean for new students to come.  We have several upcoming retreats and open houses to share at different islands.


– Praise for the certification of 1st year students
– Pray for the completion this semester for our current 2nd year students to graduate in January.  
– Prayers for the Jamaica Youth Convention next week.
– Prayers for the open house in Barbados in October.
– Prayers for work permits to be complete for our American staff this fall.
– Praise for the sell of one of the properties in St. Vincent is pending.  


WISE Wish List

  • New windows for security in the boys dorm and office buildings – 8 needed at $200 each.
  • A new road – this is a huge wish of $10,000 US.  The country roads here through the cane fields out by us are hard for visitors to get out to us.  This would level the road and may access easier for local students to attend classes.  
  • Student fans – $80 a fan.
  • ISLAND IMPACT – our new slogan that we will print on bracelets to recruit students.  $300 will help buy bracelets to pass out at our recruiting retreats.


WISE had many dear servants come this summer to teach and help at the campus.  Sherman and Mavis Sack (Newton, KS) taught and led an additional counseling class to leaders in the community.  (pic) Pete Smith and family (St. Joseph, MO) were new to WISE and jumped in and helped in so many areas.  Jeff and Jane Robertson (Joplin, MO) came and taught our 2nd years in intensive summer classes.  It was special to have these founders back to see the ministry in its new home.  This past week Garett and Jenny Fay (Las Vegas, NV) led workshops here on small group ministry and children’s ministry. (pics) The Nutt family and Weineger family (Longview, TX) also came and completely renovated and readied 2 old staff homes.  We were so blessed for all the work and love these families came and shared here with the WISE family and in the community equipping and training leaders here.

New Missionary Kid

Our family grew this summer!  Kensington Caroline joined us on June 1st.  We can tell she is the perfect missions baby as we traveled over 11,00 miles in the car this summer to visit and update, speak, and share when she was just 2 weeks old and she loved it!  This season for our family was a beautiful time as we added Kensington, but also a season of faith building and one of our hardest yet.  Figuring out future staff, praying for the properties in St. Vincent to sell to buy the properties in Barbados, and being in a continual waiting period to get certified by the government walked us through a season of discouragement.  
It was our first time while speaking at a church we had to be real that we were struggling about the future. Then,  a supporting church called about how their church is raising their support and also from a recent trip here have now been encouraged to give more to missions and join in missions all over through what they saw at WISE.  It was at this point God began to build us back up.  We saw so many ways He was leading,  just in different ways than we had planned.  With renewed hope, times of fasting and prayer, and so many joining us in this we see God had His hand guiding us in His timing!  We are so thankful He continues to stretch our faith! 

No Longer A Dump

A local pastor recently visited the campus.  He had not heard about WISE as of yet.  He talked about how the place had been let go and become a dump.  He was so surprised to see how beautiful the campus looked.  He could not believe that over 300 workers from all over the US had given up their time and resources to come and ready the campus for students.  He said there is no other Bible College around like this and WISE would have an edge.   He is so excited to send students from his congregation and that this is a place students can come and live and focus on their studies to lead, equip and change the Caribbean. 
Come see us at the ICOM in Lexington, KY.  We had a great time visiting with partners in Anaheim!
If you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail to help us save on postage, please let us know!

If you would like any videos to share at your church – we have several we can send if you ask!  We have teachers, local pastor speaking, and a missionary kids one available. 

4 Vacation Bible Schools &
2 Church Camps Heard about WISE and helped partner to reach the island from Andrew this summer.
If you would like our stateside coordinator to come share at your church for speaking, please contact us!

WISE Contact Info:
PO Box 8098
Columbia, MO 65205
(573) 321-7906
