While we were in Haiti we had the honor of running into a lady in one of the local villages. This lady asked us to come to her home.. on our way there she sang “Missionaries in my home… Missionaries in my home!” She was so excited & full of joy. We soon found out that this lady was completely blind. She was actually living with missionaries in Haiti that had found her years ago & took her in. This lady was very seasoned with the Lord & was able to pray for us & send us out! I promised you not a soul in that little room will EVER forget her prayer for us. God hears the prayers of the righteous! – Alex Hammontree

We also ran into a little boy who we were told was mute. After hearing his story, I told Sin-Sin to tell the little boy to say Jesus. Sin-Sin looked at me and then proceeded with telling the little boy. Very quietly under his breath the little boy said Jesus, TWICE! We responded with either Jesus just healed him or someone wasn’t telling the truth!
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