Pignon, Haiti is set in the mountains in the northwest part of Haiti. Pignon is a lush and beautiful place to live, all you can see is green for miles and miles. Reggie went to Pignon in May to look into starting an orphanage there, because we were alerted to the need there from Ronel Joseph. Ronel is a graduate WISE Bible College and is so eager to win his island to Christ. Reggie was able to start the First Christian Church of Pignon while he was there. They are currently meeting under a gazebo until the church is built.
While in Haiti, Reggie was able to find a house to rent while the orphanage is being built. This way Ronel can start taking in children, especially since the need is there. The name of the orphanage will be, Mark’s House, named after long time supporters Tooger and Nancy Smith’s special needs son. They wanted to be able to honor their son helping children who needed help the most.
Zane went to Pignon a few weeks after Reggie got back, Zane’s purpose was to take a young man, Andrew Weeks, down there to work with Ronel. Andrew will be helping Ronel in getting Mark’s House up and running so we can start taking in children. While there we were able to start the process on purchasing the land for the permanent location of Mark’s House.
Please pray for Mark’s House and the Christian Church that was just planted. Also pray for Ronel and Andrew as they are working very hard to get things up and running
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