SEEDS Mission South India

John and Jessie Samuel of Ammabakkam, India, have been a big part of the White Fields ministry since 1971.  They are pioneer evangelists who have spent their lives establishing the Church in the unreached villages of India, winning lost souls to Jesus, and taking care of orphans.  Please read carefully this latest report from John and his son Santosh.

Dear Prayer Partners and Saints of God,
Greetings to you in Christ. You have stood at the back of us in many ways in reaching the lost ones for whom Christ died. Without your standing at the back of us we cannot go far. Once again thank you so much for your prayers and support. The SEEDS Nission has a clear vision of working among rural villages, sharing the Good News of salvation and caring for the poor people and children in need.


Evangelism is the big key to the villages proclaiming the Gospel in India. We formed an outreach teaem of 10 Evangelists. They are conducting meetings in our remote rural villages Friday – Sunday every week. They distribute Bibles and tracts, visit non-Christian families, and personal evangelism in order to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of India. Many people have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.

Prayer Request:
SEEDS Mission does not have a vehicle for the traveling Gospel team. Often we have to rent a vehicle and it can be very expensive. A used van will cost us $12,000. Please pray with us that soon this need will be met for the Glory of God. 

We are establishing churches, constructing buildings in needy villages, conducting house churches, conducting prayer camps, fasting prayers and Gospel meetings.
We started a teaching program for the village young men to get sufficient knowledge in God’s Word and send them out to the field to preach.
The SEEDS Children’s home was started in 1992. More than 950 children have been educated in our home over the last 290 years. All have been blessed with a good life. In 2013 the Government came in and closed the home. To this day they are still finding problems we need to fix. The children from the home have been living with local preachers and christian families. We are still providing for their needs.
The SEEDS Mission has a clear vision to help the poor. Food and medical help are very important to our people. We are also taking care of the blind people in our surrounding villages.

The Lord be magnified!

We thank God for His grace and the wonderful way He has been providing for our ministry. We appreciate your valuable contribution. Please pray for our mission preachers and their families, children’s needs, the blind ministry, medical help and all our Gospel needs. We need $2,000 monthly to cover all cost to fulfill the vision of reaching all of India with the Gospel.

We say a big thanks again for enabling us to have the privilege of serving our Lord in India.

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