We Have Two Needs We Want To Bring To Your Attention

Please share this e-letter so we can reach as many people as possible.

Oscar Cottam Is in URGENT Need of Help

Oscar has prostate cancer.  He has tried everything possible for more than a year and he cannot arrange to get surgery because he does not have the money.  Today he telephoned me and said he is weeping and his dear wife Joyce is weeping and the whole Church is weeping because he is going to die unless he gets prostate surgery soon.
He cannot get the needed surgery in Antigua.   He has found doctor and hospital in Barbados that will do it for $ 20,000.00 (US DOLLARS).  He does not have and cannot borrow that kind of money.  At last he has found a doctor and hospital in Guyana that will do it for $6000.00.   Oscar has tried with the church and all his friends and has only been able to raise $600.00.
Can you help us in raising the additional $5400 to help this dear Brother in need.


10 Liberian Children Need To Go To School

From Aaron Whitsett in Liberia

There so many children attending our Sunday school (50 to 100) every Sunday whether it rains or shines.

Some are from very poor families, their parents cannot afford tuition for them due high fee these days.

I have found out on a one on one chat with ten of these children and their parents and indeed they don’t attend school at all.

Please help me find sponsors to get these kids in school. Tuition fees per semester in the Christian Academic School is $50 from nursery to 6 grade. The Triumph Church has taken the responsibility of  three of them so seven more need help.

May God direct you to the right people who have the Godly passion to help kids in Jesus’ name. God bless you

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