Jesus Loves Me Home Truck Upgraded

Imagine as a child living in a foreign country and having to ride to school in the back of a truck with the rain pouring down on you or dust covering you. That is the way the Jesus Loves Me Home’s truck was for awhile, until a donor stepped up and paid to have a canopy built for the truck. The children’s school is so far away that they can not walk to school, plus the traffic on the roads makes it to dangerous for them. For those of you who have had the privilege of traveling to Haiti with us know exactly what I am talking about. Praise God that the children have a way of getting to school safely in dry, clean uniforms.


Reggie and Micah made it home safely. Thank you to all who have been praying for them. We are eager and excited to share their report with you.


Did You Know…

You can go to White Field’s YouTube account and watch videos of some of Reggie’s favorite sermons! You can also watch the 5 Jesus Loves Me home VBS videos.

You can also see these on our web site. Reggie also has written sermons and his two books uploaded on the website.

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We want to share our news with you so you know what we are doing and can pray for us.

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White Fields Overseas Evangelism

PO Box 1089

Joplin, Mo 64801