1. From Nigeria, The Governor of the Kaduna State has sent a bill to the house requesting that all preachers should obtain a license to preach and must be renewed annually. The granting of the license would be at the discretion of the Governor’s Board of License. Anyone wanting to enter Kaduna State to preach must first apply for the license and anyone who fails to comply with this can face up to two years in Prison. Please pray that this not pass, because if it does then other states in Nigeria will follow.

2. From Haiti, Alex Hammontree who is working with White Fields for one year on the field in Haiti needs your prayers. She had not been feeling good so went to the clinic in Gonaives. The doctor is running her blood work and is suppose to get back results today. The doctor thinks she has Malaria, so please keep Alex in your prayers.

3. From Jesus Loves Me Home, Jetro Delphin will be having hernia surgery soon. We don’t know the date yet, but please pray for Jetro as he is nervous about the surgery. He has to travel three hours to the hospital that performs the surgery. Please pray for safe travels and no complications from the surgery.

4. From India, Christians are still being persecuted in India. There are some preachers and missionaries that are moving from place to place so that the Hindus do not know where they are at. There is still much to be done in India, as far as reaching the people for Christ.  Please pray for the Christians in India and pray for the government of India.

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