As we announced in the December newsletter,  WHITE FIELDS has sponsored two great soul winning campaigns in India for the months of January and February.
Evangelist Delroy Brown, Minister of the Christian Church in Toowoomba, Australia, agreed to travel as a White Fields Evangelist to an area 1000 miles south of Chennai and work with White Fields Evangelist Suman Singh in a great campaign.
Evangelist Suman Singh has written up the thrilling report of the January campaign as follows:

Sincere greetings to the WHITE FIELDS  family and all the saints in the blessed and wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I hope and pray this finds you well and safe in the protection of God Almighty.
 Thanks very much for your willingness to publish a report of the thrilling  Evangelistic work we had here with Evangelist Delroy Brown in your newsletter.  I thank and praise God who has enabled us to face obstacles and challenges to preach Gospel meeting in various villages here in India. My fellow -preachers and I took it as a challenge to do evangelistic meetings with Brother Brown successfully for the glory of God.
We have now completed successful meetings in the name of Christ. We have conducted 22 meetings in 13 days and there were 200 souls who accepted Jesus Christ and obeyed Him in baptism. This is Good News for all. Thanks for sending Bro. Delroy Brown to labor and preach with us. 

In His Name,
Bro. Suman Singh White Fields preacher 
Church of Christ
Rajahmundry- India.


Evangelist Rich McQuinn has been in India during February and has just completed his preaching and reports 1,081 souls baptized into Christi for the remission of sins.  (Acts 2:38)   We praise God for these soul winning victories and ask everyone to pray for the new converts to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.