We just received this wonderful report from Brother Aruldoss in India on the help that White Fields received from IDES for the flood victims in Chennai, India.
I am so thankful for your prayers and the great help from IDES for the people of Chennai and the surrounding areas.

Thank you for the money you have sent for victims in Chennai, for the Glory of God we have used that money to buy clothing, bedsheets, mats, rice, pots, school bags, school supplies etc., we packed everything in bags to give to the people and when they received they are so happy and thank God and IDES for the great help.
Outcome of this Project:
Through this project so many people understand the great love of God, because we preached and prayed for those people and talked to them about God and his wonderful love. Now the families who got the gifts are welcoming our preachers into their houses to pray and teach them. God is opening the doors through this great support by IDES.

The people say these gifts for the victims helped them a lot and because of the school children losing their school materials, the children are very happy to receive school bags and materials and they send their thanks to you all. Now these children are coming to Sunday school regularly and learning about the Lord Jesus Christ.
The result of this, we had three baptisms last Sunday and the Lord is going to help us to bring more souls to Christ. The preachers are working very hard for the Glory of God to bring people to Christ
Because of this project our churches and preachers are known to the people and now we pray that God may help us to bring those people to our churches. Our preachers are encouraged to do the great Gospel ministry to these villages.

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