Great Preacher Departs For Glory

Brother Mike Foday has been a great Preacher of the Gospel, Church Planter, and Leader of Preachers in Liberia, Africa.  When White Fields first entered Liberia and began the work of the Churches of Christ in 1997 during the horrible civil war that killed 250,000 of the population,  Mike Foday was one of the very first men who volunteered to study for the ministry.  For several years Evangelist Doug Willis conducted a Bible Institute in Liberia under the auspices of  Christ Evangelical Foundation.  Mike Foday was one of the best students who studied under Doug.

As the White Fields Evangelists continued laboring in Liberia we eventually established 45  Churches of Christ in Liberia.  The 45 Preachers who served these churches  unanimously elected Mike Foday to be the White Fields Representative in Liberia.  In this capacity Brother Mike regularly visited the 45 churches and gave leadership and encouragement to the preachers. Also all of the preachers are being supported by White Fields and this support is bank wired to Mike each month and then he is responsible for paying each preacher.  In all the years Mike served in this capacity he never lost or mis-spent even one penny.  He had the absolute trust of every Church of Christ preacher in Liberia.

About two weeks ago Mike became ill with high blood pressure and anemia.  His family took him to every hospital in Monrovia, but he was denied admittance anywhere due to the Ebola tragedy that has taken so many lives.  He needed 4 units of blood and dialysis treatments, but was denied help.  Because of the denied help, Mike went into renal failure. One home doctor agreed to come to the house and try to help him if he would pay $1500.00.  Some of the faithful supporters of White Fields gave the $1500 and it was wired to Bro. Mike.  But in spite of this help Brother Mike went to be with the Lord at 3:45 a.m. October 3rd. 

Please be in prayer for Mike’s wife and children and for all of the Preachers and Churches in Liberia.  Mike has served the Lord faithfully and now he has realized the fulfillment of Jesus promise,  “And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.”  John 14:3

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