Praises and Prayers from Udaya Kumar in India
 Babu Rao (Father),Srikar (Son) and Sri Lekha (Daughter) were baptized into Christ this week.  They each received a bible after their baptisms.  Especially I gave a New English Holy Bible cum Dictionary to Srikar. Please pray for them for their spiritual development.

Prayers Needed

Please pray for our preacher Prabhakar.  While he is doing harvesting in the fields a big cobra bit Prabhakar’s right foot. Immediately the villagers took him to hospital to the emergency room. Please pray for him, his wife, and two daughters.


White Fields Team Returns Home From Haiti

We four journeyed together to the “poorest nation in the western hemisphere” for the purpose of helping the “Jesus Loves Me Home”  and also some of the Christian Churches of  Haiti.
God blessed the trip greatly.  We were able to put the new roofs on the boys’ dorm and the girls’ dorm at Jesus Loves Me Orphanage.  Bus York was in charge of the roofing job.  Zane and Lacey were in charge of building a new platform for the big water tank at the orphanage.  Reggie was carrying funds from Lem Palmer and Larry Jamison and was responsible for purchasing all materials for the roofing of the Raboteau Christian Church and also was able to pay the carpenters to re-roof the Raboteau Christian church building.
Reggie was able to  meet with all the Christian church preachers who are supported by White Haiti.  It was a wonderful meeting.  All the preachers gave their reports of attendance, souls won to Christ, and spiritual progress.  It was a very inspiring meeting.
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PO Box 1089

Joplin, Mo 64801