The Start of Something New

Hi Everyone!
     As we are now in the “electronic age” we are going to take advantage of this new tool and send out an E-letter each week giving you up-to-date information about the WHITE FIELDS OVERSEAS EVANGELISM ministries around the

     We will report about the different mission trips in progress and future trips in the planning stage.  We will give you information about the White Fields Orphanages and will also give you interesting information concerning the preachers who are serving under the White Fields banner around the world.

    You will have the opportunity to get involved by offering a simple prayer that we need, or by going on a future mission trip, or by making a donation.


Here is a good reminder about how White Fields got started.

In the Spring of 1966, Reggie Thomas was serving as the minister of the East Point Christian Church in Atlanta, Georgia.  He resigned this ministry dedicating the remainder of his life to overseas evangelism.  Taking John 4:35 and Luke 10:2, he named his ministry WHITE FIELDS OVERSEAS EVANGELISM.  Reggie’s main objective was to travel to every nation of the world in obedience to the Great Commission of Jesus found in Matthew 28:19-20.  To date, he has preached in 80 different nations of the world. 

When he first began this work, he never envisioned that it would grow as it has.  Today, there are 16 American evangelists and 1 Australian evangelist associated with White Fields.  White Fields evangelists pray daily for the 12,000 unreached people groups of the world that they might have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and be saved; that there will be a church planted where they live; and that God’s Word in their language might be in their hands.  White Fields has also designed a World Prayer Map.  This map shows the reached and unreached nations of the world.

Spreading the Gospel to every nation continues to be the goal of White Fields Overseas Evangelism.  To accomplish this task, White Fields gives financial support to 377 native evangelists in 33 foreign countries. 

White Fields began an orphanage ministry in 1978 with the leading and inspiration of Esther Thomas.  In 1990, Lori Thomas Darnell became the Director of the orphanage ministry and it has grown greatly under her leading.  White Fields Orphanage Ministries, Inc. is now supporting six orphanages around the world.  There are 2 orphanages in Haiti, 3 orphanages in India, 1 in Liberia, Africa.  

 “Do you not say. There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest? Behold I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields that they are white for harvest.”
    ~John 4:35  
“And He was saying to them, The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”
   ~Luke 10:2
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PO Box 1089 Joplin, MO 64801