

6/29- Pray for the Haitian government to help put an end to child slavery(restavek) in Haiti.
7/1- Pray for Elena Yordanova as she continues working with the children in Bulgaria. Pray that through these efforts that their parents may come to know Christ.
7/2- Pray that your church and all the churches around the world will continue to evangelize their communities to win people to Christ.
7/3- Pray for our Preachers in Liberia as they still struggle to rebuild from the civil war many years ago, and they continue to be a witness for HIM.
7/4- Pray for our President, Senators, Congressmen, and especially for all the men and women serving in our armed forces.
7/5- Pray for our Preachers in India as they daily face persecution from the government, but continue to stay strong for Christ.

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White Fields Overseas Evangelism

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