8/4- Praise that Mark’s House in Pignon Haiti has moved to their new location. There are still some needs and finishing touches to be done on the buildings. Pray that these things will be done.
8/5-Pray for churches internationally but also for our local domestic churches and that we continue seeking to win the lost to Christ.
8/6- Pray for Rick and Della Deighton as they work in the former Soviet Union countries bringing people to know Christ.
8/7- Pray for Ray and Cheery on Calituban Island in the Philippines as they minister to the island.
8/8- Pray for the churches in Suriname
8/9- Pray for White Fields and other mission organizations as we work hard to win the world to Christ.
8/10- Pray for Zane as he leaves today for Haiti.
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White Fields Overseas Evangelism

PO Box 1089

JoplinMo 64801