Brother Oscar Cottam’s surgery in Guyana went great. He was able to have the seeds implanted for his prostate cancer and everything is going great. He will have to return to Guyana in a couple of months for a follow up. Please keep him in your prayers. Here is a note he just sent us:

It gives me great pleasure to report to you that I am in perfect health and doing more than fine. Words cannot express our Sunday morning service after we returned from Guyana. Our rejoicing I am sure reached heaven.
Please, Please let all those who were involved towards helping us, that I will never stop thanking them, because of their commitment towards everything I was able to travel to Guyana so quickly.



We have received the following message from Uday:

We are very sorry to say that we are still in water.  We have had continuous rain for past 17 days.  The preachers and coworkers houses are filled with water.  Many canals, rivers and streams are overflowing dangerously.  They are still saying we will have 4 more days of rain.  In Tamilnadu, especially Chennai is more affected from this cyclone with 47 centimeters of rainfall. The Indian Government is going to announce that this is a national disaster.  Today we had 15 centimeters of rainfall in our area and with the temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius, the children at God’s Little Angels are suffering with coughs and colds. 

Please keep Uday and the children at God’s Little Angels in your prayers.

Mytchialy came to us at the Jesus Loves Me Home in November when her mother relinquished her care to Social Services. Clotide noticed that something wasn’t right with her. So she took her to the doctor in Gonaives and he said she needs to go to the hospital. She was at the hospital 8 days and they decided to send her by ambulance to a specialist in St. Marc. So she has been there for 6 days. Best they can tell is that she has some type of acute malnutrition; she also has started having diarrhea. So please keep her in your prayers as things are not looking good at the moment.
Help White Fields

We are now in the middle of Christmas season. If you are like us, you buy a lot online these days. While you are buying online you can help White Fields! For FREE!! 1. Go to you will need to register and download the iGive button and select your preferred charity. It is simple! You shop and the participating stores donate a percentage of your purchases to White Fields. 2.AmazonSmile- go to and register. In order to donate thru them you have to use this amazon website to make your purchases. (it is the same as the original Amazon, just an easier way for them to keep track of donations) Don’t worry! We are not given your personal information. We do not know what you bought, where you shopped or how much you spent!