Atheists, Agnostics and the Gospel
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What comes to mind when you think of Amsterdam?

Often our first thoughts are of the city’s tolerance of vices. Prostitutes stand in windows attempting to lure in passersby along crowded streets in the Red Light District. “Coffee shops” attract customers looking for a place to buy and smoke marijuana. People stumble in and out of prostitutes’ stalls and coffee shops all hours of the day and night.
These are certainly sensationalized pictures of the spiritual story in Amsterdam. Do they represent reality for most residents? Almost certainly not. Most are living a less dramatic but still spiritually empty life.
Gerko Tempelman explains, “Here’s the dilemma the church in Amsterdam is facing: Church attendance is dropping and hardly any unchurched people feel the church has anything to offer.” Recent studies indicate that less than one percent of the population of nearly a million attends church each week.
Orchard Group is cooperating with Christian leaders in Amsterdam to support Gerko and Rachelle as they generate spiritual interest among secular people in the city.
Amsterdam has many beautiful features: unique architecture, endless canals, stunning flowers and changing light. Without a doubt, the most beautiful thing about the city is that it is filled with fascinating people who are all created in God’s image. 

Our hope is that God will work through Gerko and Rachelle to draw his people back to himself and connect them with Christ through a new church.

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to participate in one of the spiritual discussion groups Gerko leads. I left inspired by the whole experience. The group included people from England, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Romania, as well as several native Netherlanders. There were atheists, agnostics and believers ranging from their twenties to sixties. The group read and discussed the story of Jacob and Rachel, which was unfamiliar to most. We talked about times in our own lives when our values are tested. It was very apparent that several individuals in the group are having their views transformed.
The experience reminded me so much of the early days of the new church Rhesa and I started near Boston and how long it takes for truly secular people to open up to the gospel. It also reminded me how convicted I am about the work we do together. There’s nothing I’d rather give my life to than helping gifted leaders start Christ-centered churches in challenging, strategic, urban settings. And I’m very grateful we get to do that in partnership with you.

Will you pray with us for Amsterdam?

– Brent Storms, President and CEO


Listen to Derrick Puckett, lead planter of Renewal Church in Chicago, share his hope for a new community that will reconcile people to Jesus and each other.

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