Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Summer 2014 (Part #2
VandeLinde Family 2013 3 Ryan, Erin, Micah, Josiah & Analise VandeLinde

 Water, Water, Everywhere


“If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” 

John 7:37b-38


748 Million

# of people that live without access to clean water today



 # of children that die every day from diarrheal diseases linked to the lack of safe water and adequate sanitation and hygiene


And WE want to make a difference! We want to help educate the people of the Dominican Republic of the importance of hand washing and adequate sanitation while providing them with a good source of clean drinking water. That is why we have 

Homemade Fly Catcher

partnered with Northeast Christian Church and WaterStep to help 

provide potable water for the community surrounding our Punta Cana Christian Church. The area previously known as Plywood Village, is now referred to as the Village of Hope and we believe Jesus has had a big part to do with the transformation of the town.  In 2007, we planted the Punta Cana Christian Church using a large white tent as the main auditorium praying that God would use our efforts to reach the people of Plywood Village. Little did we know that in just a few short years we would have a growing, healthy congregation, an elementary school of 200 students and now a water purification system that will be able to provide clean drinking water to thousands of people.  


Praise God for His vision and for His faithfulness in the Village of Hope!  Please pray that God will use this water purification system to allow us to share His love, grace and forgiveness with the people of the Village of Hope.   


Neil Webster & Ryan VandeLinde

We want to especially thank Northeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY for their partnership with EDCM to help make this water purification project become a reality. Thanks to EDCM board member Neil Webster for heading up the project and bringing a wonderful team of volunteers to the DR to install the system in one week’s time. We also want to thank WaterStep for providing such an amazing and efficient purification system.   


 For more information about clean drinking water, please visit the following websites:




“Short-Term Teams”

Penn Forest Christian Church

Roanoke, VA 

“His grace is enough” seemed to the be the message that God wanted to communicate through the wonderful team from Penn Forest Christian Church.  This dynamic team of 11 people primarily used the parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and the Lost Son (Prodigal Son) to share a message of grace and hope to all that would listen.  


God used this team to share His love and mercy to hundreds of children through interactive dramas inside the church building as well as in the streets of Villa Hermosa. They also had the opportunity to visit several of the members of the Higuey Christian Church by walking to their homes, praying with them and presenting them with a bible, which many did not have. God moved powerfully through this team and we thank Him for using us to accomplish His will. Great job Roanokers! His grace truly is enough!






Starfish Logo  

School is in!  For the 7th year in a row we have had the 

honor of partnering with Starfish Missions (Louisville, KY) to provide much needed school supplies for the children in our ministry. 

This year, Mike and Beth Searcy, founders of Starfish Missions, helped provide uniforms, shoes, book bags, notebooks, pencils and other school supplies for the around 425 of our precious children. The children and their parents are very grateful for this blessing and look forward to this event every year. Mike and his team of volunteers take every single child to a local store where they are able to buy their uniforms and pick out their book bags and notebooks. While the week is very hectic and everyone works hard, it is a huge blessing for all involved. Thanks Mike and Starfish for continually blessing the children of the Dominican Republic!



 For more information concerning Starfish Missions, please visit:


A Personal Touch”


It has been a crazy summer for the VandeLinde family as we have been apart more than we have been together. However, we feel very blessed to have welcomed Analise Grace to the world on May 28th and her brothers are thrilled to have her. Micah and Josiah love Analise a lot and can’t keep their hands off of her (sometimes loving, sometimes fretting). Here are some recent pics of our wonderful children. Enjoy and thanks for all of the prayers over the past several months. 


In This Issue
Water, Water Everywhere
A Personal Touch
Contact Information
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
EDCM Needs

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde
Email: ryanvandelinde@hotmail.com

: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute
Me, Rock Climbing
Slap the Monkey



One of the coolest things I did this summer was go rock climbing! It was sweet! They taught me how to put my harness on, connect to the carabiner and climb to the top. At the top of each element is a small picture of a monkey. The goal is to reach the top and “Slap the Monkey.” I would try to climb the cliff as fast as I could so that I could slap the monkey before my brother did. I beat him every time of course. However, he is only three, so I have a bit of an advantage. Anyway, enjoy the picture of me climbing to the top and I challenge you to go rock climbing someday. It is awesome!  

-Micah, 8 yrs. old

Josiah’s Jot


I also went rock climbing. I know Bubba says he

 beat me every time, but it is not true. I almost beat him once. My cousin Tate went with me and we had a lot of fun. I love Tate. 

Rock climbing is awesome! I love going all the way to the top. It is so high! See ya at the top!
Also, watch out because I have a magical sword now!

almost 4 yrs old 




  • Higuey Christian Church Roof: $15,000 to put on a concrete roof
  • Punta Cana Christian Church: purchase a small bus. $10-13,000   


  • Preacher’s kids: going back to school  
  • Health of national preachers
  • Water filtration system being installed in Punta Cana Christian Church
  • Reuniting of VandeLinde family after several long months
  • Punta Cana School: 2nd year, 200 students!!   

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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