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Victory44 International, Inc. is a non-profit organization helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world.

Victory44 International
Phil and Michelle Parker
PO Box 447
Max Meadows, VA 24360 USA

office 865-471-8447




*Victory44 International, Inc. is a tax exempt, non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization founded by Phil and Michelle Parker with a vision for "helping people see, experience, and respond to the love of God through Jesus Christ around the world." All contributions are tax deductible.

Dear Partners in Ministry,

Greetings! We appreciate your prayers and financial gifts for the ministry in Thailand and now at Virginia Tech University. I (Phil) am traveling to Bangkok and Chiang Mai, Thailand on May 29 – June 23 2018 and trying to raise additional funds for the cost of the trip as well as special offerings to give to our ministry partners, Yui, campus minister in Bangkok, and two children’s foster homes, Home of Joy, and Home With A Heart, in Chiang Mai. If you are able to send in a special gift, it would be much appreciated.

Click the link below to access our most recent update for May 2018. Thank you for your partnership in sharing the Good News.

Click to View May 2018 Update in browser

Click to Download May 2018 Update

In Christ,

Phil and Michelle Parker
