Urgent Update and News
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Urgent Prayer Request & Praise

Last night I talked to Steve and he was about to have his blood pressure checked. This morning I received the following as an update. Please continue to pray for the remainder of the furlough. Thank you to everyone who was around Steve at Camp and offered their help!.

Mark Vernik – Chairman

To all, 

I am fine, thanks.

Just before the weekend, I started coughing and my chest felt tight. Since I had to speak on Monday morning and evening during Mission’s Week, I cancelled Sunday, stayed in bed and tried to rest as much as possible. By yesterday morning, it was obvious to me that itg wasn’t a cold or flu so I checked with Nurse Jen at the camp. She wasn’t happy with my blood pressure, which had crashed to 90/60 and the rumbles in my chest. She called Dro Tom Brunsman who was attending the School of Missions, who checked my vitals and asked if I knew about any heart anomaly, particuarly arrhythmia. My heart wasn’t ticking over normally.

My pressure came up this morning but my heart still hasn’t hammering as it should. He said if I was his patient, he’d have sent me for an EKG already to find out precisely what the arrhythmia was. I said that if it remained by Wednesday, I’d go. Matt love and Scott Saltsman came later this morning and said if they could find a way to pay for the test would I go? I said I would and a group of men from the came arrived an hour later to pray, the Matt and Scott drove me to Ft Wayne’s Parkview Hospital, a non-profit facility.

We explained that I was a missionary without insurance and I was immediately admitted to the ER. Dr Rinquist and his team were waiting into the room where I was taken — blood tests, heart monitor, X-ray, etc all ordered and in motion within minutes. I remained until this evening until the results came it.

No heart murmur or arrhythmia — I have an extra heart beat, which can mimic arrhythmia. Heart is good to go! X=ray showed no pneumonia, plueresy, etc and even the bronchitis had lessened,  blood tests showed no abnormal kidney function, all of which could have resulted in low blood pressure. Dr Rinquest cleared me completely. (my blood pressure has returned to normal)

Drink plenty of fluids, REST, take a nap. Relax. You’re good to go.

So, Lord willing, I can complete my next few scheduled stops. This Sunday, I’ll be at Jenison Christian Church in Grand Rapids and be there the weekend.

I was told that there were prayer circles on my behalf all over camp as well as at the women’s auxiliary in Angola. I cannot express how richly God has blessed me with so many dedicated believers to take my plight to our Father’s Throne. I have so much to be thankful for — not on the hospital and staff but also Nurse Jen at the camp, Dr Tom Brunsman, Matt Love, Scot Saltsman and so many prayer warriors.

God’s blessings,



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