Mon, 3 Mar 2014


Dear Praying Friends,
Thanks so much for your prayers.  John’s surgery went well and it was interesting for me to see how the doctor went inside his knee to clean out the cartilage.  They gave us some as a souvenir to remember.  We returned home on Saturday and John gets better each day.  He even insisted on washing the dishes this morning.  He is using a walker to get around, but had very little pain.  We go back on Friday to see the doctor and he will start some exercises.  We keep ice on his knee during the day.
Madonna found out what it was like to drive the last terrible five kilometers to Las Brisas on Saturday.  That much of the road is still terrible.  We have been told the municipality has no money for gasoline for the machinery to finish repairing the road.  That is life in the boonies in Honduras.
Madonna will be back at work in the clinic this afternoon.  We only had just over 100 patients in February,  but still a few more than a year ago.
Please pray for Maribel Hernandez.  She is the daughter of our neighbors and apparently is dying from aids.  She will leave four children.
Things continue to go well at Church with very good attendances at all the services.  Thanks again for your prayers.
In His Love, John and Madonna