May 5, 2014

For all of you that have been following the devastating events here at the CDMM mission center, you too must realize that the mission no longer has the use of it’s visitor’s center in Mucha Agua for the purpose of lodging our visiting teams. This facility in Mucha Agua will be used for the development of our local churches, Preacher training, retreats, and the Vocational training center. You also need to know that the lifeline which keeps this mission reaching out, growing, training, healing the sick, and building the churches of the future here in the Dominican Republic is our visiting work teams.
You guys bring the funding, the expertise, the energy, the supplies, and the spiritual power of prayer that keeps this mission growing and reaching out with the love of Christ. Thanks to all of you that have come to share your talents and resources here with CDMM and our family of churches! We love you all like our own family! We need these visiting teams to continue to come and we certainly realize that the option of using the mission center in Mucha Agua to house our visiting teams as we have done before is not a safe or wise choice. 
With The Lord’s help we have located the perfect new home for our visiting teams to stay while they are here working with the CDMM churches. In addition to many other great qualities, this is a safe place for American visitor’s to stay. This property is located in an area where CDMM works with many local churches, and where we are going to be starting many new churches. The property is on about two acres of flat sandy land full of coconut and other kinds of tropical fruit trees. The beach is about a 5 min. walk from the property. There are miles of shoreline to play Frisbee, fly kites, and go on long hikes, ride bikes or go for a run. There is even a fresh water river nearby that flows into the ocean. This property has two buildings on it that can be quickly put into service. There is plenty of space for future buildings, and the grounds are really nice. There is electricity, and the nearest paved road is a block or so away. The travel time to and from the airport will be 30 min. less than it was to Mucha Agua and the travel time to many of the mission churches will be just minutes away. 
We have found out that the asking price for this property is $51,000. We feel like this is the perfect property, in the perfect location, and the price is very reasonable for the area.
We have scheduled teams coming soon and we urgently need a place to lodge these visiting teams!
We are announcing a fund raising drive for the purchase of this property, and we are asking each of our prayer supporters to prayerfully consider giving to this cause. 
You who care about the future of CDMM, please consider giving a one-time donation to the CDMM property fund so we can make this need a reality in the coming weeks. 
All funds should be sent to the CDMM forwarding agent: Libby Kinder at 220 S. Deerfoot, 
The Woodlands, TX. 77380 
Or through our Razoo online donation account. 
This is an urgent need in response to our Visitor’s Center being removed as a viable option for a team lodging facility. Please help us as we continue helping the Dominican churches. We have so many opportunities to seek and save the lost for Christ here in the Dominican Republic.