
We are so grateful for your prayers.  Thank you for taking the time and investing your spiritual focus as you ask our Father to bless Twelve21 Mission.
In our last newsletter we made an appeal for “above and beyond” gifts to cover this Africa trip. As I said, the Africa trips have been very hard to raise funds. The devil works overtime.
But this month some of our supporters responded with special gifts (above normal donations).  We know that they were sacrificial.  This wave of generosity has covered the cost of my Africa trip 100%.  Please join us in thanking our Lord for His provision.
It’s easy to type the words, but hard to explain how this feels.  We are so grateful.
Now I can invest my prayer energy to prepare myself for the trip instead of asking our Lord for funding.  Now my focus is to pray for open doors among the Lobi and for God to be with our African team.
Please join us in prayer that our Lord will establish a strong spiritual base among these tribes (Lobi, Kulango & Abron).  One that will lead to the conversions of thousands.  Pray that our Lord will be honored and that Jesus’ will receive the glory he deserves.
The evil one has failed to hinder the funding for this trip.  Pray that Satan’s other ploys will be frustrated and stopped, too.  Pray that our work in the Ivory Coast will not be hobbled.  Pray our enemy’s attempts to cause problems for Laura will be blocked.  Thank you.
We rely on your prayers.  You are wonderful partners.
May our Lord richly bless each of you.
for Jesus’ sake, Tom & Laura