
Your prayers are so vital for the success of my upcoming trip.  I want to thank you in advance for inviting our Lord to do great things (John 14:12-14)
We are planning to work more closely with the Lobi tribe.  I will return to the place we started our outreach last winter, but we will also go farther north – to Bouna, the “capital” city of the Lobi.  It is our hearts’ desire to establish a strong ministry among this tribe.The Lobi are totally sold out to animism (spirit worship).  Every part of their life is touched by this work of Satan.  (even those who are Muslim or nominal Christian)
Please begin praying that Jesus will begin meeting Lobi in their dreams and doing other things to convince them that HE is more powerful than the spirits and that HE deserves their devotion.
Kouame has been assembling a team to work with me in the outreach.   

Germaine, a pharmicist, church leader and converted Muslim will be coming. (He’s in the center)   Also, a dear sister has volunteered to come and cook for the team and assist in outreach.  She received one of our original micro loans. Here she is the day she was baptized.
We plan to meet the the Abron Chief – who rules 500 villages.  Pray that he will be seriously reading the New Testament that I sent to him last year. (French / English).
Pray for more good work among the Kulango.
Thank you for protecting Laura and me with your prayers.  Ask our Lord to strengthen us and make us wise – for his glory.
May you experience great blessings as you enter the presence of our Lord.
for Jesus’ sake,