CUBA!!!   Tom leaves for Cuba on Thursday.  I will not have many updates because thanks to their government, not much news gets in or out.  
PLEASE PRAY for him.  He will be doing a lot of teaching all week, laying some ground work and encouraging the Christians there.   And believe me…they need it and appreciate it!  
He will also be having a seminar on Saturday, on the Holy Spirit.  He is finding that this is such an essential teaching.
I treasure your prayers as well.
Forever grateful for your prayers and partnership,

Thank you for your prayers.  Don Ott and I enter Cuba on Friday – we are bringing Christian books (Spanish) so the preachers there can have resources to do ministry. Also bringing handouts for teaching (my Holy Spirit seminar – for example)….
All of these could be confiscated at the airport.  Brother Andrew, God’s Smuggler, offered this prayer as he, carrying Bibles, crossed borders into Iron Curtain countries, “Lord, when you walked this earth, you made blind eyes see. Today I am asking you to make seeing eyes blind.”
Please pray a similar prayer for us through this Friday (6/19).  And ask God to keep us under the radar of the authorities while we are in Cuba (leave Friday the 26th).  
Thank you.  We really appreciate you.
for Jesus’ sake, Tom