Travelin’ Miles: the Big Picture
September 2014




Prayer prompts 

Praise God that the printing of Year B of the Lectionary is complete,  and ready for the Dedication on October 3, and subsequent distribution.
Pray for Nathan as he works on software development for making Bibles available digitally.
Pray for our Aruamu Ministry Team, as we serve in Papua New Guinea over the next weeks.
Pray for steady progress on our translation Old Testament books into Aruamu.  Books currently in progress are: Joshua, Ecclesiastes, Job, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Deuteronomy.
Praise God for REST.  In September, Nathan has had Bible Society work in Italy.  So, we used our frequent flier miles and got me over to Paris, where Nathan met me for a week of restful vacation (August 27 to Sept 3). We basically did one interesting thing a day –like the Louvre, Eiffel, Versailles – and then we just chilled. It was such a blessing.  

The Big Picture
 Dear friends,
I appreciate your prayers over the next 6 week as I will working in Papua New Guinea.  I will be coordinating a team of 6 co-workers – Bobby and Sue Ellen Wrenn, Janice Wright, Judy Rodriguez, and Tony Luparello. (Our team planning meeting, photo on the left.)  We will be leading a Bible Overview Course in the Aruamu language group, to meet their felt need to understand “The Big Picture” – the overall flow of redemption history down through the ages. Also, we will be involved in several other ministry efforts. Our schedule looks like this
Sept 24-26 – fly from Dallas to Papua New Guinea.
Sept 27-30 – purchase and pack supplies, food, and equipment, and arrange transport to the Aruamu area (it’s  jungle out there!)
Oct 1 (Wed) – travel to the village, by 4WD truck
Oct 2 – get set up in the village; pray with church leaders and village Big Men; visit with people around the village
Oct 3 (Fri) – Dedication Day for Scripture Lectionary book at Tongbur village. (We will hike about an hour up to that village.) 
Oct 4 (Sat) – Aruamu Women’s Day!
literacy fluency classes for church leaders; Aruamu teacher’s inservice day)
Oct 5 (Sun) – worship with Aruamus
Oct 5 and 12 – 2 VBS afternoons for Aruamu children
Oct 6-10 – Bible Overview Course (during the days)
Oct 9-11 – Aruamu Crusade in the evenings
Oct 11 – literacy fluency classes for church leaders
Oct 12 – afternoon Aruamu Literacy Committee Meeting
Oct 13 – return to Madang town
From Oct 14 to 31 I will be working  in Madang  with several Aruamu men to exegetically check 2 Old Testament books.  I will fill you in more on this later.
Your prayers for Nathan during this time are very much appreciated.  He will be working in Dallas for most of the time I am in PNG, although he does have a one week trip in October to Belgium/Netherlands/England for United Bible Societies’ work.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in global missions.
Blessings to you,
Marsha Miles
(for Nathan, as well)

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