Travelin’ Miles: Outreach Initiative!

October 2016


Prayer prompts

Praise God for the passion of the Aruamus to share the gospel! (See photo above, from Damu Rughasak outreach weekend.) Pray for Aruamu Bible College teachers and students as they respond to the Lords leading in learning and in outreach.
Pray for us as we work on visas and other arrangements to bring Aruamu translators Steven Dazim and Siria Ransford to the US early next year, for 6 months to check Aruamu Old Testament books.  Funds are needed to help with their airline tickets and expenses.  Can you help?
Praise God that the Paratext Bible Translation Software team has launched the beta version of Paratext 8 this last month. Nathan Miles and many other colleges were in Thailand leading the first training classes for this. This version has many changes and upgrades, including very helpful progress tracking and planning features.  Nathan will be in Singapore in November to help lead additional Paratext 8 training sessions.
Praise God that the draft of 2 Kings has been completed by Siria Ransford.  (Out of 66 books of the entire Bible, this is #64 to be drafted!)
Pray for
 John Igos, as he continues drafting 2 Chronicles.
 Sue Ellen Wrenn, as she types the 2 Kings draft.
 2 Aruamu comprehension checking teams, as they check Isaiah 50-66, and Jeremiah.
 PBT consultant Jill Riepe, as she prepares to consultant check Jeremiah and Lamentations.
 Marsha Miles, as she prepares the draft of Job for exegetical checking.

Outreach Initiative
Dear family and friends,
As we continue press on toward completing the translation of all of the Aruamu Old Testament books, it is very exciting to see the Lord at work in the lives of Aruamu folks, as they take initiative to reach out to those around them with the Gospel of Christ.  Steven Dazim wrote this:
“Within the the last month, the Aruamu Bible College students and teachers lead 2 outreach weekends to other areas – Niapak area and Damu Rughasak area.  On September 28-30 we went down to Damu Rughask. It took us 2 and half hours to go there.

The community invited us to go and outreach in the night time and day time, teaching them the topics they requested like:

a) Knowing the true God through his Word
b) What is Christian life all about

Many people at that time gave their lives to God in this 3 days out outreach. God’s Spirit was helping us. We pray for a young man who was attacked by sanguma  poison  man, and the young man received  healing instantly.

The good report is, they people want to build a church there, so the Bible College students will go to visit them many times. There are many more needs in the Aruamu area to know the true God  and how he is different from their spirit gods.”

Thank you so much for your prayers and support and involvement.  God is transforming people through his Word.
Love in Christ,
Marsha Relyea Miles
(for the entire Aruamu team)

You are invited to partner financially in Bible Translation ministry.  You can give online at the link below to my ministry, and also to the Aruamu Translation Fund, or Aruamu Scripture Printing Fund:

(Of course, the normal “check” method list below works great, as well. Gifts to assist with bringing Aruamu translators to the US this next year may be made to the Aruamu Translation Fund.)

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