Travelin’ Miles: Historic Day!
October 2014


Prayer prompts

Praise God that the printing of Year B of the Lectionary is in the hands of churches in the Aruamu area.

Praise for the way God is moving amongst the Aruamu people.

Pray for Nathan as he works on software development for making Bibles 

available digitally.  Praise God for the good meetings and work accomplished during his time in Belgium/The Netherlands/England during October.

Pray for our Aruamu Translation Team, as we work in Papua New Guinea.
Pray for steady progress on our translation Old Testament books into Aruamu.  

Pray for upcoming ministry trips:  
    Nathan’s trip in November to Greece for United Bible Societies.
    Marsha arrives back in the US November 1.
    Marsha speaking at the Women’s Retreat for Believers Fellowship Church in Leander, TX, November 7-9
    Marsha participating in the International Conference on Missions, in Columbus, OH, November 13-16

Aruamu Lectionary Launched
Dear friends,
    “History is happening today!”
This was the opening declaration of Paul Akuram, one of the speakers at the Aruamu Lectionary Launching, on October 3, 2014.  Paul is an Aruamu man who is a retired Papua New Guinea supreme court justice.  Later in his speech Paul went on to challenge Aruamus to  “read God’s Word every day.  Think carefully when you read it.  God is giving this gift to us.”

It was truly thrilling to be part of this event.  There was a joyous processional, a time of worship and blessing and thanksgiving for the Lectionary, as well as many speeches by Aruamu Catholic Priest Father Casimir, and other church leaders and  dignitaries. There were creative  dramas, worship dances, and a traditional Aruamu feast. The ministry  team that traveled with me from the U.S. (Bobby and Sue Ellen Wrenn, Janice Wright, Judy Rodriguez, and Tony Luparello) was honored to be part of this historc day.

The Lectionary is a book of week-by-week Scripture Readings to be read in the Aruamu churches who follow a liturgical-type service. The readings follow a 3 year plan, Year A, B, and C.  In December 2014 Year B of their readings will start, so we have published Year B first.  In the following 2 years we plan to publish Year C and Year A.  Each week’s reading has and Old Testament selection, a Psalms selection,  an Epistles selection and a selection from the gospels, as well as a responsive congregational reading.  For special occasions, like Easter,  several scripture dramas are included.  The Lectionary project is part of our long range goal — to see the translated and USE by growing Christians in growing churches in the Aruamu people group.

This last month has been filled with many God-led encounters.The day after the Lectionary Launch,  several Aruamu Literacy Committee leaders and I worked together to lead a Reading Fluency Course for church leaders, helping them to have the confidence to stand up and read publicly from the Lectionary Readings.  

The next week, our team led a Bible Overview Course for church leaders — the overall flow of redemption history from Genesis to Revelation.    Janice and Judy led a special Saturday Women’s day event for Aruamu Women.  Tony led a VBS for Aruamu children. We were all involved in an Evangelistic Crusade, which resulted in 100 decisions for Christ.  The God of all history is truly at work amongst the Aruamu people of Papua New Guinea. 

I am in Madang right now with a team of Aruamu men, exegetically checking the book of Ecclesiastes in the Aruamu language — an adventure to be sure! 

Thank you for your prayers and involvement with us as we are ministering.  You are part of history being made for this tribal people group in Papua New Guinea. 

Blessings to you,
Marsha Miles
(for Nathan, as well)


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