Travelin’ Miles: Free in Christ!
November 2013
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Aruamu baptisms, Tiap Village, Papua New Guinea, 2013

Prayer Prompts

Praise God for wonderful interactions  and synergy at the International Conference on Missions  in Kansas  City, November 13-17.

Pray for Aruamu Translation Coordinator, Steven Dazim, as he attends a course in PNG to learn about how  to serve as an Exegetical Facilitator for Bible translation programs.

Pray for publishing work on Aruamu Elementary Prep (Kindergarten level) materials, to teach  Aruamu children to read. These materials will be tested in 3 different Aruamu villages over the course of 2014.

Pray for Aruamu translators as they draft. Martin Ases is  working on 2 Samuel and John Igos is working on Isaiah.

Travelin’ Miles: FREE IN CHRIST!
Dear friends,

The Aruamu Old Testament Book of EXODUS has just been completed this last quarter.  After having gone through all the stages of the careful translation process over several years, the final consultant check of the final section happened in August 2013, by PBTconsultant Martha Wade and members of the Aruamu Translation Team. Hallelujah! The very first hard copies of this book about redemption and freedom are now in the hands of Aruamu people.

I mentioned in our previous Prayer Letter that the 2013 Aruamu Evangelistic Crusade was held in September, during the Papua New Guinea Independence Day Weekend. The Aruamus chose to make the theme and stories from the book of Exodus very prominent in their crusade: Free in Christ! 

Many testimonies and sermons, as well as the Women’s Day Sessions, and the special Children’s Sessions were laced with that theme. Memory verses were from Exodus.  Stories from Exodus were acted out.

After most of the preaching sessions, many people would  come forward asking for prayer, that God would free them from struggles that entangle them.  As I prayed with one woman who came asking for  prayer, she told me, “I have been  doing a very bad thing and sleeping secretly with a man who is married to someone else. This sin has caught me and bound me, like we catch animals in traps. I feel like I am in prison. I want to be FREE IN CHRIST.”

How incredible it was to see  IMMEDIATE scripture impact from the  newly translated  book of Exodus  in the Aruamu language.

Among the blessings that I am thankful for this Holiday Season is the fact that we  are FREE  IN CHRIST. Thank you for partnering with us as  we share this  Good  News!

Blessings to you,
Marsha Miles
(For Nathan, as well)

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