Travelin’ Miles: On Darkness and Hope
March 2016


Aruamu Famine Relief Update

The Aruamu area of Papua New Guinea is undergoing famine conditions at this time, because of an extensive El Nino-driven drought during 2015.   Please pray about what you can do to help. 

Your gift of $37 can purchase a 20 kilo bale of rice, which will keep a family from severe hunger for a month.  $370 can purchase enough rice to help 10 families.
You can give by check, to Pioneer Bible Translators (sticky note: Aruamu Famine Relief), PO Box 380820, Duncanville, TX 75138-0820
Or click here to give online:

We are partnering with our mission colleagues in Beyond Baptism, as well as with the Aruamu community leaders to purchase rice in Madang and transport it to the Aruamu area, and distribute it to hungry, dear people.
The Aruamus have replanted their gardens, trusting God for rain.  Please pray with them for RAIN.
Thank you for PARTNERING with us, as we seek together to be the hands of God, bringing HOPE in the midst of DARKNESS.


You are invited to partner financially in Bible Translation ministry. You can give online at the link below to my ministry, and also the Aruamu Translation Fund, the Aruamu Literacy Fund, the Aruamu Scripture Printing Fund, or the Aruamu Famine Relief Fund.

(Of course, the normal “check” method listed below works great, as well.) 


On Darkness and Hope
Dear Friends and Family,

This last month our Aruamu Old Testament exegetical checking team working here in Dallas – Robin Namai, Pais Asefi, and I –  have completed our work on the book of Judges, and are part way through the book of 1 Samuel.  Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement while we work.
If you’ve read the Old Testament book of Judges lately, you know what a dark, gory time in Hebrew history it reveals. The Israelites would fall into sin and rebellion against God, then God would allow an enemy people group to attack and enslave them for a period of time, then in their distress and desperation they would repent and cry out to God to save them, then God would raise up a judge to deliver them from their enemies and to oversee them.  Generally, during the lifetime of the judge, they would continue to follow God well.  But after the judge would die, they would fall back into sin and idolatry, and then God would allow an enemy people group to enslave them.  That cycle was repeated many times during this very dark time in Hebrew history.  Judges is full of darkness, with small glimmers of hope here and there.
We completed work on Judges, and then switched our attention to 1 Samuel, which begins with the lovely account of the deep faith of Hannah, the mother of Samuel.  What a breath of fresh air, to have a glimpse into the heart of this woman who lived in desperate times, and who had  desperate need in her own personal life!  She cried out to God in deep prayer, and the God of Heaven heard her prayer and answered her.  What a faith-building experience it is to work through that text, and encounter God’s message of HOPE in the midst of DARKNESS.
Thank you for standing with us, as we continue to make steady progress. Here is how you can pray for us this month:

  • Pray for Aruamu Famine Relief efforts (see side-bar)
  • Nathan Miles is safely back home, after his time of Bible Societies work Antalya, Turkey.
  • Praise God that Siria Ransford completed the  drafting and typing of Leviticus
  • Praise God that David Berama completed the drafting of Numbers
  • Praise God for John Igos initial drafting work on 2 Chronicles
  • Pray for Francis Dagonov and his team as they continue comprehension checking Isaiah 1-32
  • Pray for Martin Ases as he completes  editing Jeremiah
  • Sue Ellen Wrenn has nearly completed typing Deuteronomy
  • Steven Dazim, is attending a Biblical Exegesis Course at the SIL Center in the Highlands of PNG; the course will be completed on March 22.
  • Pray for PBT consultants Martha Wade and Gregory Ohrenberg as they prepare to do the final consultant check with a team of 4 Aruamus on  Isaiah 1-32 during April.
  • Praise God that Robin Namai, Pais Asefi, and Marsha Miles completed exegetical check of Judges; pray for the  checking of 1 Samuel, now in progress.
 May God bless you with HOPE in the midst of your situation this month!
Love in Christ,
Marsha Miles
(for Nathan, as well as Robin Namai and Pais Asefi)

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