Pioneer Bible Translators’ new VERSE BY VERSE KIDS! is designed to accompany your Vacation Bible School curriculum.  It’s a tangible, easy-to-understand way for children to get personally involved with the Great Commission. Jesus told all of us to go and make disciples and there is no better discipleship tool than the Bible.  But many people groups don’t even have one verse of the Bible in their language yet.  Every $38 the children give through their VBS offerings provides another verse for one of these people groups. The children in your church can provide verses, chapters or even whole books of the Bible for a people group. How amazing is that!  For more information email or call 214-699-4320, or click:

Prayer Prompts
Pray for consultant checking of Aruamu scriptures.  Preparations are in progress now by many of us on the team.  3 consultant checking sessions will be happening in July and August on Psalms 1-99, and on 733 verses in other OT books.
Pray for Aruamu reviewers as they examine an give input on Scripture Reading books we are preparing to publish.
Pray for Nathan as he meets with software development colleagues over the next few weeks in Albuquerque, N.M. and Waxhaw, N.C.
Pray for Marsha, for upcoming speaking on behalf of Pioneer Bible Translators.

Pray Strategically

Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayer this last month as many of my Pioneer Bible Translators colleagues and I have been involved here in Dallas in equipping our potential and current teammates in various aspects of Bible translation ministry. Seven teams of interns have just been sent out to various fields to experience firsthand what we are doing on the front lines.  Seminars for our missionaries have been successfully completed on these topics:
Orality in Bible Translation, Scripture Impact and Outreach
Scripture Impact through Literacy
Managing Transitions Well
Leadership through Coaching
Partnership Development
Primary Health Care

PBT Strategic Prayer Requests

Would you keep our list of Pioneer Bible Translators’ strategic prayer requests posted where you pray so that you can continue to lift up our team. Prayer is our strategy, We  invite you as you read this list to lift these matters up to God:
* That God would help us empower all 62 translation projects to result in networks of churches using Scripture to grow, mature, and multiply within 20 years of start
* For perfect unity of purpose and heart in our team
* That God would expand PBT to send teammates from many countries
* For God to help us end 2018 with 90 translation projects total
* For God to bring the right people for a total of 740 teammates by end of 2018
* For God to provide $1.6 Million for the Within Our Reach Campaign in 2014
* For Waran, Mborena Kam, and Apal projects (in PNG) to finish the New Testament as well as Kutu, Kwele, Lughuru, Makua, Ndamba, Ngindo, Nguu, Pogoro, Vidunda, and Zigua (in East Africa.) For Susu, Toma, and Tatar projects to complete and publish the whole Bible
* That PBT would be allowed by the government to live among rural language groups in Mainland Southeast Asia
* For peace and stability in North Africa to open wide the door for work there
* That God will help get 24/7 prayer going for PBT. Right now 50% is covered
* That God would bring and fully fund 2 more recruiters, 3 media specialists, and 3 IT specialists to the ISC in 2014
* That God would help us add 8 new directors to the PBT board
* That we and our partners would see churches with Scripture transforming every language community on earth by 2050
Prayer IS our strategy!  Thank you for partnering with us.

Marsha Miles

(for Nathan, as well)

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