Travelin’ Miles: Good Bye Party
July 2016


Prayer prompts

Pray for Wes Beasley and 4 Aruamu men, Martin Ases, Simon Aroro, Lawrence Beradim, and  Michael Sagumai  over the next weeks as they consultant check 4 Aruamu Old Testament books in Madang, PNG.
Pray for Siria Ransford as he continues drafting 2 Kings.

Pray for the Aruamu Bible College, being led entirely under the initiative of Aruamu Christian leaders.

Pray for  Marsha and our team members,  as they listen through the recordings of Aruamu Psalms and Proverbs, to make sure all verses have been accurately recorded, before our partners at Faith Comes By Hearing do the final mix.

Pray for Bobby Joe and Sue Ellen Wrenn, and for Pais Asefi and Robin Namai as they return to Papua New Guinea on August 10. Pray for Pais and Robin, as they re-unite with their families and re-integrate into village life in  the jungle of PNG.  Pray for the Wrenns and a team of Aruamu folks who will be doing Scripture recording in the village.

Praise God for the adult literacy fluency classes that are being  held by Aruamu Literacy Committee members this last month in 14 villages, over this 2 month period of time.

Praise God!  Aruamus are now harvesting adequate food from their gardens!
Pray for Nathan Miles and the Paratext Bible translation software development team, as they work toward the release of the Beta version of Paratext 8.0.  Also, pray for the health of the Paratext team members.

Good Bye Party
Dear Family and Friends,
We are getting ready to say good bye to Pais Asefi and Robin Namai, who have been doing exegetical/meaning  checking on Aruamu Old Testament books for the last 6 months. I am happy to tell you that we have just completed  work on the book of Jeremiah.  It took us 11 weeks of concentrated focus, to work our way through every concept, every phrase in that book.
In the last 6 months since we came here from Papua New Guinea we have completed our goal of  completing the exegetical checks of a total of 3,207 verses – the books of Judges, 1 Samuel, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Lamentations, and Jeremiah. Meanwhile in PNG, comprehension checks have been complete on Judges, 1 Samuel, Micah, and Zephaniah.  These 4 books will be consultant checked in August by Wes Beasley, working with a team of 4 Aruamu men in Madang, PNG.  Thank you SO much for your prayers and encouragement as we work!
Pais and Robin will return to Papua New Guinea in  2 weeks, together with Bobby Joe and Sue Ellen Wrenn, our co-workers from Cornerstone Christian Church, Dallas, TX.  Wrenns will be staying on in PNG for a couple of months to facilitate the recording of the Aruamu books of Genesis and Jonah.
If you are in the Dallas area:
You are invited
to a Good Bye Party
For Papua New Guinean friends
Pais Asefi and Robin Namai
August 6, 2pm to 4pm
International Linguistic Center 

7500 W. Camp Wisdom Road, Dallas
Guest House Gathering Room
This is a “finger-food” party, so bring your snacks or sweets to share. This will be a chance to share what Pais and Robin have meant to us in their time here in the United States from Papua New Guinea, as they have worked on Bible translation for their language,
a time for special Thank Yous to be offered for the work they are doing, a time for praying over them before they return home, and a time to bless them with a gift. To that end we will be setting up a money tree for Pais and Robin that afternoon. If you would like to contribute, please bring cash to put on the tree. If you are unable to join us, please bless Pais and Robin in your prayers.
Blessings to you,
Marsha Relyea Miles
(for Nathan Miles, Pais Asefi, and Robin Namai)

P.S. Thank you VERY much to those of you whom God has been moving to help provide for some of the needs of Pais and Robin as they return to their villages.

You are invited to partner financially in Bible Translation ministry. You can give online at the link below to my ministry, and also the Aruamu Translation Fund, the Aruamu Literacy Fund, the Aruamu Scripture Printing Fund.  (Of course, the normal “check” method listed below works great, as well.)         


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