Prayer Prompts: 
Pray for our 3 Aruamu teams working in Papua New Guinea at this time: the Literacy Materials development team, the team working on exegetically checking Old Testament verses, and the team working on drafting other books – Job, Ezekiel, and Judges
Pray for Nathan (back in the Dallas) as he works on the Global Bible Catalogue software, and leads the Paratext Translation Software development team.
Pray for us as we are working apart during this time period. (SO thankful for Skype!  Almost every day we are able to connect that way.)


“We are feasting on God’s Word.”
Dear Family and friends,
Greetings to you from balmy Madang, Papua New Guinea! This morning in our Aruamu Translation Team devotion time, Pais Ureka, one of the members of the translation checking team gave a message about the fact that, “People cannot live by just eating foods.  They need all of God’s Talk in order to live.”  He had meaningful thoughts to share about this, including the fact that the Aruamu people are SO BLESSED because now God’s Talk is being translated into their language, so that they can know it and know God and really live. He says, “We are now feasting on God’s Word.”
But to me, one VERY MEANINGFUL thing about what Pais shared was the fact that just the day before our checking team had carefully worked through the checking of Deuternonomy 8:3, where this verse is located. Obviously Pais had been thinking a lot about this overnight! Pais is deeply engaging God’s Word as he works on translation.  I love to see God’s Word impacting people, don’t you!
Over these next weeks in Papua New Guinea, we have 3 (11 people) teams working simultaneously. Four Aruamu teachers are working together with Diane Miller, and with Lindsay and ?? from SIL, to draft Aruamu literacy materals to teach E-1 (grade one) level children. 
Also, four Aruamu men are working together with me to exegetically check 733 Old Testament verses from various books.  We are planning to publish a lectionary for one of the church groups in the Aruamu area, and these are the remaining verses needed to
bring through the entire translation process, in order to do have all verses in the 3-year-cycle lectionary ready to publish and to be used by many Aruamus.
Also, 3 other Aruamu men are working on drafting OT books: Francis Dagonov is drafting Job, David Berama is drafting Ezekiel, and Pais Asefi is drafting Judges. 
Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership, which enable God’s Word to be translated and used by Aruamu people. As Pais Ureka says, “We Aruamus are now FEASTING ON GOD’S WORD!” May we live this day doing just that!
Love in Christ,
Marsha Miles
(for Nathan, as well)