Prayer prompts

Remember the Aruamu Christians as they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in their remote jungle context, in their own sweet, Aruamu ways!

Praise God for new teammates ready to leave for ministry in different countries.

Pray for the work of the Aruamu Old Testament team.  Comprehension checking on Psalms 1-50 is happening  this month. Typists are typing drafted chapters  of  Isaiah and 2 Samuel. 

Nathan is getting up to speed to work together with Bible Societies colleagues on the Global Bible Catalogue.  Please keep them in your prayers.


Dear friends,

Last night we were privileged to attend the Pioneer Bible Translators’ Christmas party here in Dallas, with carols and games and food and lots of friends who share our heart for what God is doing in the world.  Quite frankly, PBT does parties well.  Our missionary kids raised in Papua New Guinea would tell you that you just THINK that PBT stands for Pioneer BibleTranslators.  They claim that the initials P.B.T. REALLY stand for Party Big Time!  We do love to celebrate. In fact, one of our official, agreed-upon, board-approved core values is to “intentionally develop effective teams that have fun serving in joyful community.”

One lovely component of the Christmas party was the part where we gathered around and prayed for the NEW MISSIONARIES we are just sending out. Twelve new Bible translation teammates have completed their training and are just leaving Dallas for different parts of the world.  Praise God!

Another thing that we are celebrating is the translation progress that our team is  making collectively.  This chart shows the stats on the number of verses drafted and exegetically checked by PBT as a whole (2007-2013).
What momentum!  You’ll be happy to know that in 2013 our Papua New Guinea Aruamu Old Testament Team has drafted 2,670 verses, and exegetically checked 1,571 verses. 

This Holiday season we celebrate the goodness GOODNESS OF GOD!
(for Nathan, as well)

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