August 2015



(Photo: Steven Dazim and his wife, Watarak, Tiap Village, PNG)

Prayer prompts
Pray for Nathan’s heart valve to hold steady, and for his wisdom to pace himself. He is working every day, but often feels quite tired.  Please pray for him especially during his Bible Societies trip to Canada the third week in September. (His heart surgery is scheduled for October 9.)
This last month our Aruamu team members completed the following:  Praise God.
 *Martin Ases: spell-checked and did basic checks of the draft of Judges, Song of Solomon, and Lamentations.

 *John Igos and Marsha Miles: completed exegetical check Isaiah 23-50

 *Steven Dazim (in PNG): coordinated team doing comprehension checking of Ezra, Haggai, Malachi, and Zechariah.

 *Sue Ellen Wrenn: completed typing Ezekiel

 *Pais Asefi (in PNG): drafted 1 Chronicles 10-16
Pray for each Aruamu team member, working this next month on the following:
 *Martin Ases: backtranslation of Isaiah; proofreading Aruamu Lectionaries.
 *John Obnadum and Marsha Miles:  exegetical checking of Isaiah, currently in chapter 51.
 *Sue Ellen Wrenn: typing 1 Kings
 *Steven Dazim:  traveling in Israel!
Thank you for interceding for us!


Walking Where Jesus Walked
Dear friends and family,
This month, for the first time in history, a member of the Aruamu people group of Papua New Guinea will be traveling to Israel.  Steven Dazim will be walking in the very places where Jesus walked 2 millenia ago!
Steven is a godly leader in his community and church. He is a Bible translator on the Aruamu Translation Team, and also serves as our Translation Coordinator.  Last year he began an Internship with The Seed Company and Pioneer Bible Translators to learn to be an “Exegetical Facilitator” with a view to assisting in translation efforts in other language groups after the Aruamu Old Testament is finished.
As part of the Internship, The Seed Company is leading a number of national Bible translators from different countries on a journey to Israel.  Steven and 9 other Bible Translators from other language projects in Papua New Guinea will be joined by other national translators and consultant trainees from places like Africa and India.  Their trip begins August 29, returning on September.  Together they will explore Biblical sites – Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jordan River, Sea of Galilee and many more.  They will learn many things first hand, which will give them a deeper understanding of the context of the Biblical story.
Pray for Steven and his co-travelers this month, for profound impact on their lives and understandings. Pray that God will use this in an incredible way to equip them as leaders in each of their ministries in Bible translation.
Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement this last month as we continue work on the Aruamu Old Testament.  John Igos and Martin Ases have worked diligently here in Dallas over the last 5 months.  On September 29 they will travel back to Papua New Guinea with Bobby Joe and Sue Ellen Wrenn. In the meantime, we are aiming to complete the exegetical checking of Isaiah, and the proofreading of Aruamu Lectionaries.
There are several items that John and Martin are hoping to take back with them to Papua New Guinea.  If you would like to help with this, please email me and I will send you the information on how to help.
May God richly bless you as you walk with Jesus today.
(for Nathan – and John and Martin, as well!)
 Many peoples will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord,
    to the temple of the God of Jacob.
He will teach us his ways,
    so that we may walk in his paths.”
(Isaiah 2:3)


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