Travelin’ Miles: God has Compassion!
August 2014



Prayer prompts

Praise God for many effective weeks of consultant checking during July and August.  All remaining Lectionary verses, as well as the remaining Psalms (1-99) and the rest of Proverbs (13-31) are being completed during this time.  (This was a total of 2,787 verses, which is approximately 12% of all the verses in the Old Testament.  We are celebrating!)
Praise God that the typesetting of Year B of the Lectionary is complete,  and ready for printing.
Pray for Nathan as he works on software development for making Bibles available digitally.
Pray for the  planning of our Aruamu Ministry Team, which will be traveling to PNG in late September.  We will be helping with a Bible Overview Course, evening preaching meetings, a Women’s Day event, Children’s VBS, Literacy classes, and also attending the Lectionary Dedication in Tongbur village.

“God has compassion, and it just keeps
going and going and going!”
Dear friends,
Pais Ureka is one of the Aruamu men who has been helping to check the Old Testament verses for  a  Lectionary (Book of Scripture Readings) for one of the church groups in the Aruamu area of Papua New Guinea. Pais is a leader in the  church in Tongbur village. One day, as our team was visiting after a long day of checking, Pais said this:

“I am very thankful for our translation work and for our whole team. Working on the Aruamu Bibie Translation helps me to understand more about God. It is like a Bible Study;  I can see what it means, and it changes me. When I share it work others, it helps my whole family and clan, and my church to follow God better. Many places in the Tok Pisin Bible aren’t clear to people. But Aruamu is clear; it is our language. I am learning these things:

God likes us a lot; he won’t leave us in our heaviness and guilt. Like a mama won’t leave her children, God won’t leave us. He rescues us and saves us. God has compassion, and it just keeps going and going and going.”

Pais Ureka and many others are very much looking forward to the arrival of the Lectionary in the Aruamu Language.   At the end of July the consultant check was completed for the last of the verses for this Lectionary. I have spent the last 2 weeks proofreading and checking many details. 

Then over this last 4-day weekend Nathan and I worked together to typeset the Year B book of the Lectionary, for 2015.  We are on the verge of being ready to email the PDFs to Papua New Guinea to print.  We are planning to put it in looseleaf notebooks, for podium-friendly book.  (In the next 2 years, we are planning to publish Year C, then Year A.)

A team of 6 (composed of Bobby Joe and Sue Ellen Wrenn, Janice Wright, Judy Rodriguez, Tony Luparello, and myself) are preparing to leave for Papua New Guinea around September 24 to share in the dedication of their Lectionary, to lead a Bible Overview Course, and to minister in other ways amongst the Aruamu folks.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in global missions proclaiming the Good News of the God whose compassion “just keeps going and going and going!”
Blessings to you,
Marsha Miles
(for Nathan, as well)

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