Photo: John and Cathy Igos (in the hat), and family

Prayer prompts

Pray for good progress on Aruamu Old Testament drafting and checking this next month.
Pray for John Igos’ wife Cathy, and Martin Ases’ wife Anna, during this time they are far away from each other.  Pray for their children.  Pray for other village friends and family members as they rally round to help them.
Pray for Steven Dazim, as he works in Madang with the Mum Translation Team, and with Erastus Otairobo, in exegetically checking Mum Matthew translation.


Leviticus reminds me of Jesus’ sacrifice for me
Dear family and friends,
Before we left Papua New Guinea at the end of March, 6 Aruamu translators had been working in the town of Madang on various Old Testament books – Joshua, 1 Chronicles, Song of Solomon, and Leviticus.  On one occasion, our Pioneer Bible Translators director Mike Herchenroeder was visiting with one of the Aruamu translators, Siria Ransford.
Mike asked Siria what book he has been working on.  Siria told him that he is in the process of drafting Leviticus.  Then Mike asked him what it was about.  Siria told Mike about the different sacrifices that are described in Leviticus.  Mike asked Siria what he was learning from Leviticus.  Siria said, “When I keep reading about all those sacrifices, I just keep thinking that Leviticus reminds me of Jesus’ sacrifice for me.”
Thank you so much for praying for our Aruamu Translation Team this last month. John Igos and Martin Ases and I arrived safely in Dallas on April 1.  We are all set up in an office and working daily on the International Linguistic Center Campus (in the same building in which Nathan works.)  In April, so far Martin and I have completed the exegetical check of Ezra and Haggai, and we are in process on Zechariah.  John is currently working on spell-checking and editing the book of Isaiah.
Please pray for John and Martin especially, as they are away from their families during this time period.  (We are still struggling to get set up with cell phone service through which they can text to their wives phones in PNG.) 

We are also needing to get set up on another laptop, because the one Martin is using is about to die.  If you happen to have a laptop you don’t need (PC, not MAC), which you’d like to make available for him to use, please let me know (214-205-7060.)
Thank God for Jesus’ sacrifice for us!
Blessings to you,
Marsha Relyea Miles
(for Nathan, as well)


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